I am trying my hardest to stay positive and to ‘keep smiling’ as everyone keeps reminding me to do. In order to keep the good vibes flowing I am going to jot down five ‘feel good’ things from the here and now.
- E is too cute to put into words, she was given some beautiful fairy wings and a wand today, she has since been wandering around the house waving her wand casting magical spells and telling everybody that she is Tinkerbell. My daughter is magical with or without her wand!
- J is growing fast and whilst I cleaned gave the kitchen a good tidy this afternoon he sat with pencil and paper drawing a cartoon story board based upon Adventure Time. When I looked at his drawings I was amazed, he is only seven and he is such an amazing little sketcher with such an awesome imagination.
- We are soon to start out extension and I have planning for the kids new bedroom decor. I can’t wait to make our dreams a reality!
- We are off on holiday to Benidorm soon, it may be Blackpool in the sun but to hell with it, the kids will love it and that’s all that matters!
- E is soon to turn three years old! I have already started collecting her birthday parcels ready for my little Princess (or should I say fairy?) to open on her big day. We have printed out some rather glitzy ‘Frozen themed’ birthday invitations which I plan to send out in the next week or two.
Life isn’t all bad after all huh? I feel much better for listing some of the ‘positive points’ of my life as it is currently. Cheers for reading, I would love to hear some of your ‘positive points’ and we can share the smiles!
Enjoy your holiday and it’ll be fab the kids will love it, visit Mundamar, and the beach is brilliant…. Enjoy making memories xx
Fantastic drawings, so detailed you have a little artist on your hands there ! have a wonderful holiday hope the sun shines for you x