My wonderful husband let me sleep in this morning. I say this morning, it was almost afternoon! I don’t usually get to lay in bed but it is something I really needed considering I haven’t been completely 100% since the terrible stomach bug the other week. Upon eventually waking I pottered around and worked upon the Friday chores such as stripping beds and putting washing loads on, all of which was far more laid back than usual and without my ‘little helper’. It felt like some sort of alternative universe actually gets jobs done without having to run back and …
How exactly is it March already? Nevermind that, how on earth have we got to Easter so flipping quickly? It feels as if it was only christmas last week, yet here we are with easter eggs hidden from the kids on the counter tops ready for the weekend. Whilst I allow others to buy our children chocolate easter eggs, I have never bought either of my children an easter egg because I know that they receive far more than enough chocolate from family and friends. Instead, I get each of my children a gift, this is usually a toy of …
Oh how I love them both, They are my World, my entire life. Oh how my World has changed Since I became a Mother and a Wife. I smile when I think back to then, I laugh and shake my head. What did I do with all the empty time Other than relax and lay in bed? When kids come along time speeds up, No longer is anything slow. And as much as we try to do our best, Sometimes we have to let it go. How can it be eleven o’clock already And the washing still isn’t in? How …
Being a parent can be really tough at the best of times, but during the hard times, it is especially difficult. This week has been particularly pants in terms of parenting, as I have spent the past four days suffering with a horrid sickness bug which completely wiped me out. Without going into too much detail, I will simply say that I have never been more thankful for the toilet being in such close proximity to the bath tub as I have during the past four days! I have often joked about taking part in crash diets to ‘lose a …
Whilst I may have woken feeling slightly shattered from another late night arranging photos into albums, I can finally say that it is all finished and I now have date ordered physical photo albums of each of my children which are up to date. One piece of advice for any of you reading this post, whilst there are endless ways in which to store photos online, there is nothing quite like the feel and look of a physical photograph. If you are wanting to go ahead and get your photos printed be sure to check out Truprints offers as I …