Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. It’s only mid-January yet the lighter nights are already hinting at an appearance. Though I love the winter months when we can snuggle all safe, warm and cosy indoors, I feel drained by the dark, dismal nights. It’s a huge relief to see the golden glow of the sunshine lasting a little longer each evening. Here’s to lighter nights and a lighter lifestyle overall… “Let the light break throughYou …
Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines on this linky should you wish to participate. We’ve had a very icy start to the new year in more ways than one. Whilst we’ve avoided the snow, other than a delicate dusting, we’ve had on-and-off hail, flurries of snow, and as a result, a whole heap of ice to contend with. Though I love winter weather, I’ll be far happier when the temperatures rise a little as the roads are a slip-and-slide. Bring on the spring! Thanks …
Welcome to a brand new year, and a fresh week of #MySundaySnapshot, a weekly snap-sharing-blog-linky series you are most welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines on this linky should you wish to partake. Happy New Year and welcome to the first post for 2025. My husband, son and I went for a mooch around the shops earlier this week. Though we didn’t buy much of anything (other than our regular food shop), I enjoyed getting some fresh air but mostly, I enjoyed my hot mince pie washed down by a hot cup of coffee. Thanks for reading …
It’s the start of a brand new year and with that, it’s time for me to write a brand new list of targets for the next twelve months ahead. Whilst I spent great time writing out fifteen targets for 2024, I’ve decided to make things a little more achievable this year by lowering my own expectations and limiting myself to ‘ten targets for 2025’. Redecorate our bedroom in tones of silver, add a white-wash wooden floor, and furnish it with a new bed and built-in wardrobes. Refurnish and redecorate our ensuite Recarpet the stairs Board out, tidy, and sort the …
As always, on New Year’s Day, I like to look back at the targets I set for myself for the previous year, check off my achievements, and then set a whole new set of goals for the year ahead. So without further ado, let’s see what I did… or didn’t get done in 2024: Make time for self-care through activities such as reading, journalling, and relaxation wherever possible Learn a new recipe or two with our new Air Fryer Enjoy more time out and about rather than being a hermit in the house Spend time with friends Continue to learn …