It’s been almost eighteen months since the pandemic first hit the UK and our lives completely changed. It’s not been easy nor all that enjoyable, especially for the children who’ve missed out on school, time with their family and friends, and outdoor opportunities (for those without a garden or an outdoor space) as at one point the public were limited to only an hours exercise outdoors per day. Never for a moment did I think that I’d be bringing my children up in the midst of what is essentially a plague, yet here we are and though it’s been immensely …
Outdoor Play
Every Saturday morning Paul takes the kids on a scoot around the local area whilst he jogs along with the dog in tow. Though J has a two-wheeler-stunt-scooter, E on the other hand had a three-wheeler scooter which she was beginning to outgrow. It had taken some serious hammering over the years and as a result, the LED lights within the wheels had stopped working thus it was definitely time to invest in a newer, bigger, and much better scooter. The SU Sullivan Antic Stunt Scooter With a little help from, we were sent the stunning ‘SU Sullivan Antic …
Even people who usually find it easy to experience joy have struggled in the past year. With the world going more or less into shutdown for twelve months, the majority of us have had to think again about how we can get our dose of happiness. And it’s not something that everyone succeeded in doing; mental health problems have steadily risen in the past year, after all. The good news is that with the world slowly but surely opening up again, we can all gear up for a period that’s much more fun! In this blog, we’re going to look …
We are half way through the half term holidays and so far things seem to be going really well, we’ve managed to keep the kids sufficiently entertained with trips out to the swimming baths, cinema, soft play, and to the shops where we filled our baskets with heaps of Halloween decorations and goodies in preparation for All Hallows Eve. The kids have also enjoyed plenty of fresh air outdoors as they’ve wrapped up warm in their winter jackets and rallied around our cul-de-sac on their scooters, wrigglers and push bikes. As the nights have drawn in we’ve sat around the …
Since moving house almost five years ago Paul and I have found ourselves groaning at the garden year in year out as despite endless prodding, poking and pruning we still have the worst drainage imaginable resulting in a garden akin to a swamp. At one side of the garden we have a rather dated greenhouse which I fear could pose potential danger for the kids and a shed, which in my opinion faces the wrong direction and is placed slap bang in the muddiest portion of the garden making accessing said shed near impossible unless you dare venture down the …