We are now over half way through the year and being the over-organised chick that I so happen to be, I’ve already started putting plans together for the next academic year. I’ve bought myself a rather spang-dangly, glitzy planner and have started penciling dates into the diary, all I need now is a new bag and I’m all set for September! Don’t get me wrong, I’m far from wishing time away, I just like to be ready and prepared well before required. We’ve got our overall calendar in the office upstairs which I like to tick off as time goes …
Organisation & Routine
Life is hectic at present; I don’t often get the chance to sit and to write much of anything these days, apologies therefore if you may have found my blog to be a little bland of late. If I’m not busy working (which I’ve never been happier to do) then I’m either running around getting the kids or the house into shape, either that or chauffeuring one or the other child to or from their various after-school activities. Don’t get me wrong, I much prefer being busy to feeling at a loose end; I am far happier when my mind is occupied …
The holidays are about to come to an end and although we’ve had a fortnight off from school and work, it feels like far longer. The kids and I are now more than ready to return into some kind of routine and I’m quite looking forward to starting a new term. I’m well aware that we are still in the midst of winter and its flipping freezing for a further two months, but the title ‘spring term’ seems to offer a little light at the end of the tunnel. Christmas has been and gone, the decorations are now down and …
Suffering with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) can simultaneously be a blessing and a curse. I have my good days and my bad days, the good days being when my OCD is a catalyst to a clean and tidy house, the bad days being when my OCD drives me to distraction as I desperately try to get things into some sort of order to prevent ‘bad things’ from happening. Thankfully I have managed to get a grip upon my OCD over the years, I no longer walk between the cracks on the pavement and I’m far less prone to gambling with …
I am one of those Mum’s that cannot cope without my diary close to hand. I run by a schedule and have endless lists for this, that and the other all of which are neatly stored within my diary so that I can keep on top of the delicate juggling act that is parenting. I’m One Of ‘Those Mothers…’ People often comment on how organised I am and without blowing my own trumpet I will admit that I am often that parent… You know the annoying Mother that seems to know when and where everything is happening. I have many a time …