My family and I have enjoyed a weekend away celebrating my brother-in-law (and now sister-in-laws) wedding. Our children J & E were very kindly asked to be ‘Flower Girl’ and ‘Page Boy’ for the day and what a day it was!
We were blessed with beautiful weather which enabled the ceremony to take place outdoors surrounded by stunning scenery. The little ones looked adorable all dressed up in their suits and dresses carefully holding their bouquets as they led the bride steadily down the aisle.
Having witnessed what I can only describe as the perfect ceremony we then headed to the lawn for champagne and canopies. After spending the past six or seven months dieting I may have slightly overdone it on the mini goats cheese tarts but better that than bingeing on the beer later on I left that for my husband to take care of…
After gorging on goats cheese I found myself feeling far too full to manage a main course later in the day, instead I bartered with our brood to eat this, that and the other but as our children are well-known fussy eaters I eventually gave in and headed back to the room in search for sustenance.
Having located enough ‘beige’ food to feed a small army I made my way back to the dining area to admit defeat. Given that our table were the only ones with children (other than the bride and groom) we spent most of our time taming tantrums, managing melt downs and generally biting our lips. Eventually we let up and gave in as the children ran riot on the dance floor. As they say ‘if you can’t beat them join them’ and that’s precisely what we did, shoes thrown aside as we bounced along to the band as they rocked the room.
It was a fantastic day, a quiet one for Paul (and everybody else no doubt) considering that I had (and still have) barely any voice. Come ten o’clock I was worn out as were the kids so we left Paul and the party goers to it for the night. To be honest I was that run down and worn out by the time the day was done I was quite happy to return to the room and relax.
Once the kids finally hit the hay I ran myself a deep bath filled with complimentary smellies and spent an hour or so soaking in the tub before snuggling into the most comfortable bed I have ever had the pleasure of sleeping in.
All in all we have had a wonderful weekend, it was a much-needed break for us all despite the rushing around and torturous travel that was endured. As a parent and an Auntie I was incredibly proud of our children as I witnessed them playing a key role in the special event. It was great to spend time as a family with our family sharing in the celebrations.
Thanks for reading and as always I look forward to catching up with your #MySundayPhoto pictures either through your own posts or comments upon this post.

That’s such a beautiful bouquet. What perfect weather you had for a wedding too! 🙂 #sundayphoto
We sure did x
That is so pretty, I hope you had a wonderful break
Thank you for linking up
It looks like you all had a lovely time going by your IG shots, lovely colours in the bouquet too #MySundayPhoto
Thanks Mary! Yeh I went IG NUTS heheh
The butterflies look like they blend well with the bouquet. #MySundayPhoto
They so did x
Gorgeous bouquet. Although they can be tiring and hectic I do love a good wedding. #livingarrows
It was awesome but I needed muchos rest following!