Given that ‘Blue Skies’ is one of my all time favourite Tori Amos tracks or should I say remixes I decided to shoot a snap of my very own ‘Blue Skies’ for this weeks #MySundayPhoto.
It’s only May and already I have started replaying and rewatching Tori tracks and performances from previous gigs, god knows how I’ll make it until October without bursting from sheer excitement. That woman is a freaking legend, in fact without going into too much detail I think she may well be the only female I would ever consider grabbing the bat and heading towards the other team for!
I have never seen any woman straddle a piano stool whilst hammering at the keys quite like Tori does, it’s goose pimple territory, utterly captivating and and quite possibly a little erotic should you be that way inclined.
Tori’s Music seems to have been perfectly timed throughout my life, somehow she seems to release albums with lyrics which I relate to at that specific time within my life. Her songs have given me guidance, support and a mega kick up the backside when I’ve needed to get my crap together over the years.
I guess you could say she is my heroine, she is certainly my ‘Blue Skies’ on a cloudy day and for that I will be forever grateful.
Thanks for reading and as always I look forward to catching up with your #MySundayPhoto pictures either through your own posts or comments upon this post.
Beautiful photo lovely. I haven’t heard a lot of Tori Amos but what I have heard has been good. No doubt you will have an amazing time x
That is lovely, blue skies make everyone feel happy
Thank you for linking up