Today marked our beautiful basset hound Maisy’s first official day of freedom, following having her final injections earlier this week. To celebrate we took Maisy out to the in-laws for a Sunday roast and a run around the garden. The weather was incredible, as is my sun burn this evening!
Maisy had oodles of fun running around the garden, soaking up the sunshine and foraging through the flowers. I tried to take as many pictures as possible but with it being her first time out and about she couldn’t seem to sit still. Most of my snaps turned out either blurry or to be missing half a dog, never the less I somehow managed to snap this shot using the cluster function on my phone.
One things for sure, Maisy is definitely a different dog to our Molly. Back when Molly was a pup she’d run us ragged as she had endless amounts of energy. Maisy on the other hand seems rather laid back and I have to say, I much prefer a placid pooch! Thankfully Mo has calmed down as she’s aged, although she still gives Maisy a run for her money and put together they are pretty much the perfect pair.
Thanks again for reading #MySundayPhoto post, as always I look forward to catching up with your #MySundayPhoto pictures either through your own posts or comments upon this post.

Feel they also look so sad and thoughtful. wonder what she is thinking. #MySundayPhoto
Probably – oh my gosh it’s hot !
What a beautiful dog, I bet she loved being out
Have a good Bank Holiday and thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
Your Basset sure does look like they have character bless them #MYSUNDAYPHOTO