Welcome to my new-ish linky – My Five Favourite Monthly Moments aka #MFFMM. This series will go live on the last day of each month and will celebrate five favourite moments from the month gone by. You are most welcome to participate either by submitting comments on these posts or by creating your own posts (on a blog, social media platform, or website) and then adding your link below.
So without further ado, here are My Five Favourite Monthly Moments (#MFFMM) from March 2024:
A Perfect Puzzle
It’s been a tricky couple of months and I’ve been a little wobbly (not just in the physical sense as I’ll openly admit that I need to loose a few pounds but more in terms of my mental health) of late thus receiving this beautiful gift on Mother’s Day really helped to piece things together for me.
My Wonderful Willy Wonka
It was the final ‘World Book Day’ in primary school for our little lady and so this year she went all out. With a theme of Roald Dahl, E had her costume at the ready weeks in advance and with a couple of ‘golden tickets’ printed and placed she was perfect in purple as Willy Wonka for the day.
Sunshine Days
It’s felt like a neverending winter of late but March has finally seen the return of the golden orb in the sky and we’ve been able to enjoy a couple of sunshine days. It may not quite be shorts and t-shirt weather just yet but it’s been a relief to be able to ditch the hats, scarves, and gloves for the short term.
Together As A Team
As I said above, things haven’t been easy of late. I am therefore incredibly lucky to have such an awesome support team keeping me afloat, keeping me smiling, and insisting that I join them in various activities including random nights in the hot tub listening to the Gladiators theme songs whilst throwing rubber ducks around… as you do
The Grand Easter Egg Hunt
As always, my husband set up yet another elaborate easter egg hunt for the kiddos. This year it happened to be Pirate-based and what fun our little scallywags had as they ran here, there, and everywhere discovering various eggs, clues, and treats along the way.
Thanks for reading My Five Favourite Monthly Moments; I look forward to reading and catching up on your #MFFMM posts and comments.
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