Welcome to what will be my final post of My Five Favourite Monthly Moments linky. Whilst I’ve enjoyed writing this series each month throughout the past year, I’ve decided to bring it to a close as it was taking up a little too much time alongside my #LittleLoves linky at the end of each month.
Whilst #MFFMM will be coming to an end, I will continue to celebrate the top three moments of each month within my monthly #LittleLoves posts so please feel free to drop by if you fancy participating.
So without further ado, here are My Five Favourite Monthly Moments (#MFFMM) from December 2024.
Dazzling Decor
I would have once spent hours decorating the Christmas tree walking back and forth to inspect how symmetrical things appeared and worrying that my colour combinations didn’t quite work. These days, Paul builds the tree and covers it with lights then I get the boxes out and let the kids go wild. I busy myself with other jobs such as putting on the Christmas tablecloth, putting out the ornamental decor, and sorting through the various strings of beads ensuring that there aren’t any cotters or knots ready for them to be hung. The kids seem to love every minute of hanging the decor on the tree and I have to say they do a far better job than I ever did and quite frankly I couldn’t give a toss whether the ornaments are hung symmetrically now.
J went one better this year and requested his own tree for his bedroom which he then covered with purple and silver celtic-style ornaments to match his bedroom decor. He’s certainly a kid who goes ‘all in’ for Christmas!
Carols at Christmas
After almost eleven years of Christmas nativity plays, this year felt a little sad as E had moved on to senior school and the Christmas plays are no longer. I was however invited to watch E sing in the school choir for the school’s annual Christmas concert. I made sure that I got the day off and took my Mother-in-law along with me to watch what was truly a beautiful concert. I was so proud of E standing at the front and giving it her all – she really has come on leaps and bounds since making the transition to senior school!
Nifty Nails
Whilst I once wore acrylic nails almost 100% of the time, I’ve had almost a decade’s break from false nails for various reasons. I decided to treat myself in late November and have since rocked a couple of Christmas sets, one candy cane-themed and the other glitter-snow. I think they are rather cute!
Festive Food
With it being the Christmas season we’ve been baking and making all sorts of Christmas goodies. The kids mucked in this year and we had almost a production line setup in the kitchen to prep for our annual Christmas Eve buffet, and of course, our Christmas dinner, both of which were a success.
Cosey at Christmas
There’s nothing quite like the feeling that you get at around 3 pm on Christmas day when the dinner has been eaten, the presents have been opened, the television is on, and the kids are occupied playing with various gadgets and gizmos that they unwrapped earlier that day. Suddenly the stress of the seasonal race dissipates and you can finally kick back, relax, and enjoy the next week with no care for the date, the day, nor the time.
and with that, that’s my final #MFFMM post complete. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for reading My Five Favourite Monthly Moments over the past year and wish you all the very best for the new year.
Thanks for reading My Five Favourite Monthly Moments; I look forward to reading and catching up on your #MFFMM posts and comments.

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