Welcome to my lovely linky – My Five Favourite Monthly Moments aka #MFFMM. This series goes live on the last day of each month and will celebrate five favourite moments from the month gone by. You are most welcome to participate by commenting on these posts or why not create your own #MFFMM post (either on your blog, social media platform, or website)? Don’t forget to add the #MFFMM badge to your posts and drop the link to your post in the comments below.
So without further ado, here are My Five Favourite Monthly Moments (#MFFMM) from August 2024:
Seventeen Super Years
Earlier this month Paul and I celebrated seventeen years of marriage. He spoilt me with a beautiful wax warmer that has now been put in pride of place in the office where I spend my days working whilst surrounded by various witchy wares.

Birthday Bonanza
August is a busy birthday month in this household as both E and I celebrate our birthdays two days apart. E turned eleven this year which was rather apt as she’d asked for a Stranger Things-themed event and given that one of the characters is named ‘Eleven’ I had plenty to work with. She was, as always, spoilt with gifts and cards galore and had the very best of days. I was working this year but was also spoilt with some lovely presents including a brand new Kindle! We later celebrated by visiting Blackpool Pleasure Beach that weekend for a family day out.
Great Grades
As I mentioned in a previous blog post, J sat his RE GCSE earlier this year. The results were released mid-way through the month and we were super proud of J as he achieved a really good grade. He celebrated with a steak dinner and some cash from the bank of Mum and Dad to go shopping with.
Surprise 70th
My amazing Mother-in-law is celebrating the big 7-0 in September. To celebrate this upcoming event my Father-in-law whisked her away for a surprise break in the Lakes, where her children and grandchildren were hidden waiting with party poppers, banners, balloons, and planned activities at the ready. We somehow managed to keep the entire thing under our hats for at least six months and I’m pleased to say that it was indeed a surprise and a wonderful few days together with family enjoying time out and about around Windermere. It may have poured it down with rain for the entirety of the trip but it was certainly an event to remember!
New Wheels
August has not only been eventful but also very expensive and somewhat exciting as Paul and I finally replaced our trusty old Zafira with a brand-new MG Excite.
Thanks for reading My Five Favourite Monthly Moments; I look forward to reading and catching up on your #MFFMM posts and comments.

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