Welcome to this week’s edition of the #MySundaySnapshot blog series, a blog-linky which you are welcome to take part in to share your snapshots. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part.
As promised, here’s another ‘summer shot’ which was taken whilst we were in Hersonissos, Crete. I took this rather idyllic shot from our balcony upon the morning of our arrival. The views were certainly breathtaking, as was the climb up the hill to our hotel room especially at thirty-eight degrees celsius!
It’s not too long now before we pack up the cases and head off for another holiday – here’s hoping that the upcoming break is a whole heap better than the last!
“All these faces that I’ve never known
Looking for a place that they can call their own
I don’t need much to call it a home
I’m doing just fine if they need me I’ll be
Underneath the palm trees
Where I lay my head, where I lay my head
I ain’t gotta worry
‘Cause all my worries fled
‘Cause all my worries fled
If you want me
You can find me
With the warm breeze
And no worries
If you need me
You know I’ll be
With the green leaves
Of the palm trees”
Surfaces- Palm Trees
Thanks for reading my #MySundaySnapshot post, I look forward to catching up and sharing your #MySundaySnapshot pictures either through your own posts, social media shares or comments upon this post.
What a beautiful summer photo. Looks so warm & dry compared to our rubbish weather xx
What a beautiful photo. 38 degrees sounds like a killer though! Here’s hoping your next holiday is better than this one.
It was HOT HOT HOT lol
So beautiful with the sky and trees X #mysundaysnapshot
Thanks Sam x
Oh that is stunning! I love palm trees and blue skies
I love palms too
Our summer holiday is in Dorset this year so palm trees seem very far away! #MySundaySnapshot
We are back in Cumbria now with grey skies
I hope the upcoming holiday is wonderful. Such a beautiful photo. The sky looks so blue x
Thanks Kim.