Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part.
I’ve lost count of which week nevermind which day we are at in terms of the lockdown – all I can say is that it’s been a LONG TIME since things were ‘normal’. Although I’m not sure that anything will ever be ‘normal’ again – 2020 truly has thrown us a curveball, it’s smashed straight through our windows and left a right old mess too…
As for returning to ‘normal’ – I sure as heck ain’t rushing to get back to ‘business as usual’. One thing is for sure – I’m not putting my kids nor my family at risk by pushing the boundaries, thus shielding and therefore homeschooling will continue for the foreseeable here.
As for shopping and all things ‘essential’, my husband has done most of the essential trips so far. That was until earlier this week when I braved a trip to Booths and whilst there, I took the opportunity to capture this rather scenic shot of what we northerners refer to as ‘The Pepper Pot’.
Oh, how I miss the days when I’d walk freely snapping shots as I pleased, whereas now I seem to snap shots from the car window. Nevertheless, it was nice to escape from the same four walls and to get out for a while.
I hope that you are all happy, healthy, and staying safe, or should I say ‘staying alert?!’… perhaps not.
Thanks for reading my #MySundaySnapshot post, I look forward to catching up and sharing your #MySundaySnapshot pictures either through your own posts, social media shares or comments upon this post.
What a beautiful lighthouse. It’s lovely. Sounds like a plan. Stay safe lovely xx
I’m not actually sure that it’s a light house – it’s a monument x
That is a lovely photo. We’re staying safe/ alert here, but we are taking full advantage of being able to exercise as much as we like! No sitting around in parks, just lots of walking and running, while keeping our social distance.
Well done Sarah – it’s good to get some fresh air at a safe distance isn’t it x
I can see why you call it the pepper pot, what a lovely photo and well done on getting out for a little while. My last trip out was February 15th, unless you count a trip to my GP at the end of my street a few days later! We are staying safe here x
Yeh we are trying to here too x
I don’t think things will be like they were before Coronavirus. It is something that has changed our country and even the world. We’re not rushing back into normal life either. Staying home and staying safe is our motto.
What a lovely photo! It does look like a pepper pot x
Thanks x
I love seeing lighthouses. We are carrying on with homeschooling too, I went to the shop on Friday for the first time in 2 months too
Homeschool is the only way right now