Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a snap-sharing-blog-linky series that you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part.
We’re now on week four? of lockdown and I’ve officially lost all recognition of the calendar as I’m barely able to tell the days apart from one and other. Thank god that we’ve had good weather so far, though how long that will continue to last for I’m not entirely sure…
We are so lucky to live where we do especially in the current climate: we are surrounded by luscious green fields, woodland, rivers, forests, streams and we have the beach almost on our doorstep. Thus our daily exercise ensures plenty of fresh air and scenery for the soul… I couldn’t imagine being cooped up in a town or city right now – it would quite possibly tip me over the edge!
Though I shouldn’t really stop nor snaps shots whilst travelling on my daily duties, the scenery was just too scrumptious to pass by without taking a picture. Just to clarify – I remained in my vehicle whilst taking the picture and having checked four times or more, there was literally nobody behind me (given that the roads are empty at present).
Like most of us, I often get that ‘stuck inside’ sensation. During those moments I find myself flicking through my photos of the beach, the open country or just scanning through shots online of places that we’ve visited in the past. It’s a virtual escape I guess but whatever works right?
On that note – I hope that you are all staying healthy, staying safe and of course staying inside where and when possible. It’s not easy, is it? Trust me… I know! We must remember that we are all in this together, though we each came in on different ships, we are all in the same boat now.
Thanks for reading my #MySundaySnapshot post, I look forward to catching up and sharing your #MySundaySnapshot pictures either through your own posts, social media shares or comments upon this post.
Beautiful countryside. Spring is such a lovely time and the weather has been lovely. I hope you are doing well & sending hugs xx
Thanks x
That’s such a lovely photo. I think you’re not alone with looking at old photos, and perhaps some forward planning when this situation becomes less horrific! X
Yeh thanks Zara x
That is a beautiful photo. There is definitely no harm in stopping your car briefly to take a photo!
Oh good I’m glad you’ve confirmed that x
I am so glad the weather is nice. Just imagine how awful it would be if it was grey, wet and cold.
What a beautiful view!