Welcome to this weeks spring themed #MySundaySnapshot post. #MySundaySnapshot is a recently launched blog-linky that you are more than welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you fancy taking part.
I cannot cope with being late, thus arrive early for almost everything, which results in having to wait around for whichever event my family or I may be attending. This weekend our daughter E had a birthday party which once again we arrived early for, thus took a short stroll in an effort to kill some time.
Whilst on our walk, we were dazzled by row upon row of stunning, sunshine-yellow daffodils. My daughter seems to have a language of her own and is constantly conjuring up her own terminology for things including daffodils which she has now labelled as ‘trumpet flowers’. I adore her made-up words or what I refer to as her ‘cute-isms’.
I have never in my life known such a cute, clever and hilarious little lady as E. Ever the comedian, my daughter never fails to make me smile, chuckle or laugh till my ribs ache. I will never again refer to a daffodil as ‘a daffodil’, from now on it will known as ‘a trumpet flower’.
Through your eyes I can see the dismay
Has anyone seen lightning?
Has anyone, looked lovely?
And the daffodils look lovely today
Look lovely today”
Thanks for reading my #MySundaySnapshot post, I look forward to catching up and sharing your #MySundaySnapshot pictures either through your own posts, social media shares or comments upon this post.
I absolutely love daffodils, I have loads in my garden this year x
We have fake grass so … hedgerows it is lol
A ‘trumpet flower’ is a very good description. Daffodils are my absolute favourites. Sadly ours are all dying off now.
Ours are also looking a little worn now 🙂
That’s a lovely description
Thanks Mary x
Daffodils are my favourite flower! I hate being late for anything as well
Glad it’s not just me x
What a beautiful Trumpet Flower. I love the way children make up their own names, My mum always laughed at my love of ‘furry apples’ (peaches) when I was young. My youngest daughter is always teased for calling an oblong, and longdong!
Thanks for hosting x
Longdong – oh bless her! E has all kinds of names for things like the refridge-iminator ! Lol
Daffodils are such pretty flowers. They are so cheerful.
I love your daughters name for them. So cute x
Thanks Kim x
They are such pretty flowers and always cheer me up.
Awww glad you like them x
Daffodils really are a sign of spring aren’t they? x
The daffodils are out on our allotment too – so cheery! #MySundaySnapshot
Wonderful yellow trumpets heheh