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Things aren’t quite how they should be, they haven’t been for quite some time if I’m honest. If only I could go back…
Thanks for reading my #MySundaySnapshot post, I look forward to catching up and sharing your #MySundaySnapshot pictures either through your own posts, social media shares or comments upon this post.
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I am so sorry. Best wishes to you and hope things take a turn for the better soon.
So sorry to hear that things aren’t how they should be. I really hope they start to improve for you soon.
That sounds quite serious. I hope you’re ok. Make sure you have good people around you for support, Make sure you have someone safe to vent to. Life is very overwhelming and complicated at times. But with time, one way or another, you will get through it. Please PM if you need to vent (I’m on the otherside world so I might be able to be your support person in your middle of the night,…). Hope you are ok.
Life’s just throwing every obstacle our way and it’s overwhelming. Unfortunately it’s taken a real toll on my health.
That wasn’t meaning to pry. Just an offer of support. Feel free to ignore completely!