Welcome to this week’s #MySundaySnapshot post, which is part of a blog-linky simply to share snapshots that you are more than welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part.
It’s only January but it feels as if it has been a long, dark winter. Though there have been some spectacular sunsets of late, I for one cannot wait for the lighter nights to arrive.
It feels as if it’s dark upon waking and dark upon arriving home, leaving very little time to enjoy any light whatsoever. I may be pasty pale and frazzle in the sun but I am desperate for some sunlight!
Winter makes me so weary, I seem to be forever fatigued and spend way too much time snuggling on the sofa, hibernating in the house.
Given that this week’s snapshot was taken from my back window (using no filter whatsoever) it ain’t all that bad indoors – If only I could live permanently in pajamas, safe and secure within my four-wall-fortress, I’d be one happy hermit!
Thanks for reading my #MySundaySnapshot post, I look forward to catching up and sharing your #MySundaySnapshot pictures either through your own posts, social media shares or comments upon this post.
Wow that is one gorgeous sunset. Look at those colours xx
I know !
Wow, that really is a beautiful sunset! I hate the dark too, but can’t stay inside. I get outside as much as I possibly can – at least twice a day, but often three times a day.
I am in and out throughout the day but not keen on the dark
That’s a beautiful shot. There has been some amazing skies this week
There sure has x
That’s one spectacular sunset! I’m one for snuggling up in the warm every day, but as I don’t really have much choice most of the time, I also have to force myself to go out occasionally. Roll on warmer weather!
I have to go out too lol – just love hermitting at home too
That is a spectacular sunset X #mysundaysnapshot
Thanks Sam x
I have noticed that on an evening it’s getting darker later. We were up to about half 4 and it was still light last week. The sunsets have been amazing! Gorgeous photo x
Half four ?! Wow I couldn’t stay up that late x
January was very very long this year and hard. You are not alone. I am so glad it is over. Roll on spring. Such a stunning photo and colours!
Thanks Karen’s