Welcome to another week of the #MySundaySnapshot blog series, a recently launched blog-linky which you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part. Thanks to all those that have taken part over the past few weeks, it was been such a pleasure perusing through your photos, I look forward to viewing many more.
Life is a peculiar and perplex exercise, we too and fro from one emotion to the next never quite knowing what to expect. In moments of darkness, it is always wise to remember that the sun often hides behind the clouds and its light will eventually return.
As the saying goes “Every cloud has a silver lining”, which is certainly true for this snapshot taken earlier in the week.
“As I gift the stars my silent scars
That burn endlessly.
I feel light, even in my darkest hour,
I feel light”
Tori Amos – Darkest Hour
Thanks for reading my #MySundaySnapshot post, I look forward to catching up and sharing your #MySundaySnapshot pictures either through your own posts, social media shares or comments upon this post.
That is a really beautiful photo. The bare branches make it look wintry, but the sky definitely gives some hope of summer!
Thanks Sarah x
A beautiful photo and a beautiful quote x
Thanks x
Spring is definitely on the way I think – I’ve noticed it getting lighter & lighter the last few weeks #MySundaySnapshot
Bring on April and May when the light nights are in!
A beautiful photo, and I’m always looking for silver linings, Thanks for hosting x
You’re welcome x
What a view! Looks so peaceful X #mysundaysnapshot
Thanks Sam x
That’s so pretty. We love the seaside… so a view like this, even in the colder months would be the silver lining and cherry on top #mysundaysnapshot xx
We love the beach too x
What a beautiful scene. The sky is gorgeous and it looks so peaceful there x
It has been very cold here, yours looks lovely & definitely spring like x
It’s freezing !
I could do with remembering this too #mysundaysnap
I love the silvery shine on the water! How beautiful 🙂
Thanks x