Welcome to the second week of the #MySundaySnapshot blog series, a brand new blog-linky which you are very welcome to join. Click here for further information and guidelines upon this linky should you wish to take part.
Can I just say a huge thanks to all those that took part over this past week, I really enjoyed looking through all the stunning shots which you shared and I was surprised by how popular the linky seems already. Apologies if the text link for the badge didn’t work, I have since altered the code and hopefully there shouldn’t be any issues as of this week onwards.
Onto the pictures, or should I say the ‘snapshots’? As I said when first introducing this linky – I am planning to base most of my pictures upon local landscapes and scenery, which is how I first began and hope to continue throughout the year.
My husband very kindly snapped this particular shot on my behalf whilst we were out on our travels. I couldn’t help but to swoon over the shades of winter which are portrayed through this picture. I love how the bleak, winter sun casts a pale haze across the frosty woodland. There’s something seasonly sensational about this shot.
Just looking at the picture makes me want to wrap up warm and to enjoy a hot cup of Cocoa, either that or to head out for a crisp, winters walk (although the Cocoa seems far more inviting at present).
Winter Woodland
“You’re the winter sun
You finally come
Shine on me
I’m gonna bring it home, bring it home
To my love
All winter long
I prayed you would come
Shine on me
I’m gonna bring it home, bring it home
To my love”
Winter Sun – The Fray
Thanks for reading my #MySundaySnapshot post, I look forward to catching up and sharing your #MySundaySnapshot pictures either through your own posts, social media shares or comments upon this post.
What a beautiful photo. It really is very wintry. Landscape photography is something I’ve never got the hang of!
Landscape tends to do the work for you x
That’s what you call a proper frost – I’m chilly just looking at it! #MySundaySnapshot
I love frosty mornings x
That does look super chilly #mysundaysnap
It sure was x
Such a beautiful photo. It is a lovely woodland sight and chilly too. Perfect winter scene x
Thanks Susan x
Brr! That photo does make me feel chilly. It is beautiful though x
Thanks Kim
I don’t like being cold, but I do think snow makes the world look fantastic! Love the snow.
Ooo bring on the snow !!!