This time next week is Mothers Day. I am really pleased with myself, as for once I have been organised and ordered gifts in advance. I have had gift plaques made by Honey & Harry (see the example picture below) for our parents. I love them so much that I dropped the not so subtle hint to my hubby that I’d quite like one myself, along with a Selfish Mum ‘Mother’ jumper, Yankee candle votives and a MacBook Pro 15 inch latest model laptop… Yeh dream on Rachel, dream on! I don’t want much, no no, just the moon on a sodding stick as Paul tells me all too often.
I was hoping to get Mothers Day off work but alas it’s not to be. I really feel as if this week I have spent more time at the pub than at home, I realise this sounds like terrible parenting but I assure you I’m not on the right side of the bar for it to be a concern.
I have either been working, decorating or attending parties at the pub continuously for the past five days without a break. Now that Sunday night has arrived and I’ve finally got time to be at home with my family, Paul has instead decided to attend to his new addiction, The Walking Dead series downstairs. I suppose I will take the opportunity to laze in the bath and catch up with things online generally.
I’m a bit on the blue side tonight if I’m truthful. I have come to realise that being a caring person (which believe it or not I do tend to be) can often backfire, I am slowly starting to see that I really put myself out for others , yet I show very little consideration for myself. I need to stop letting others sit in my driver’s seat and take the wheel a bit more I guess. Gosh that all sounds very much like an Incubus track from years ago but still, I need to start living for myself and my kids and stop letting myself be distracted by others peoples issues.
Despite having watched Wreck it Ralph far too many times, I simply am not and cannot be Fix It Felix, although how cool would that be!? Just imagine every time that your kid bursts into tears over their sibling wrecking their Lego creations or hands you a piece of a broken toy, you’d grab your hammer and tap whatever it is and BING, as if by magic it’d be like new! I could go one step further… imagine if you could fix yourself !? All those wrinkles and mummy wobbly bits, one tap of the hammer and BING it’s all gone! I could see that hammer being worth a millions on Dragons Den! Give me that god damned hammer!
Right, I’m off to have a long soak in the tub, wash my hair because I’m worth it LOL, read a chapter or two of my book and continue with the never-ending task of photo sorting.