Are you thinking about popping the question? We are talking to both men and women here, as marriage proposals are no longer gender exclusive. If so, we hope the marriage proposal goes well. However, before you get down on one knee, there are a few important things to consider first.
#1: Are you ready to make the commitment?
A marriage proposal isn’t something you should rush into! You need to be sure you’re ready for the commitment as you don’t want to get cold feet later down the line.
So, ask yourself those other important questions.
Am I sure he/she is right for me? Is there a long-term future in this relationship? Are they ready to commit to me?
There isn’t always a definite way to know what the right answer is to any of these questions but if you’re both madly, deeply in love with one another, then that is a positive sign that you’re ready to make the commitment.
#2: How will you propose?
Sure, you could get down on one knee in the middle of Morrisons and ask the question while surrounded by a horde of bewildered shoppers, but is that the way to do it? Probably not, especially if you’re doing it at the checkout!
Joking aside, the proposal is something you need to put a lot of thought into. You need to consider where you’re going to do it, perhaps by placing a focus on a location that has meaning for both of you. You also need to know how you’re going to propose. Will you do it the traditional way or will you take a cue from these creative marriage proposal ideas?
You should do all you can to get the marriage proposal right so don’t rush into it. You have a better chance of a positive reaction if you put some thought into it, so give it your best consideration.
#3: What ring will you choose?
You don’t have to spend a fortune on a ring if you don’t have the budget to do so. However, you don’t want to put a Hula Hoop on your partner’s finger, or something you got from last year’s Christmas crackers, so don’t be a cheapskate either.
When choosing the ring, think about the precious jewels that your partner has a fondness for. You can take hints from the other items of jewellery that they regularly wear, and the websites they have bookmarked for you to take a look at!
Consider rings that are meaningful too, such as those Celtic rings that symbolise both friendship and love, such as the most sought after Claddagh rings. Hint: if you are looking for a Claddagh ring, buy online to ensure you get the best price. As we said, you do need to consider your budget, regardless of the type of ring you go for.
#4: Should you talk to your partner’s parents first?
It might be an old-fashioned thing to do but some people prefer to discuss their intention to propose with their future in-laws first. Your decision will be based on how traditional they are and how much respect you need to earn from them before you get married. After all, if you get on their right side, life will be much easier for you after you have tied the knot. You will have ready-made childminders, for starters!
These are just a few of the considerations you might want to make but you can probably think of others. Still, if you do decide to propose, we hope it goes well, and we wish you all the happiness in the world for your future!
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