My little lady is now in her final year of primary school and with that, she’s facing the dreaded SAT examinations in a few months. Though my little lady knows fine well that ‘she’s got this’ as she listens, learns, and works hard at school, it still doesn’t stop the nerves from setting in. We’ve been doing our very best here at home to support her by working through practice tests, questions, and papers but bless her, it’s such a huge step for any child, especially E as she’s only ten!
Despite her worries regarding the SAT’s she’s being an absoloute trooper and is working hard each and every day to put in the practice and to do her very best. I couldn’t be a prouder parent, both J & E really are superstars.
Thank you for reading this month’s #LivingArrows . I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your posts or comments on this post.