So here we are, it’s the end of December already! Give it a few days and we will be taking down the decorations and decluttering the house and just like that, the festive season will be done and dusted for another year. Time flies!
J and E were, as always, spoilt rotten with cards and gifts and had a fantastic Christmas. They have both grown up so much over these past few years and their preferences and tastes have altered as they’ve each found their own rather unique and specific styles.

Whilst once upon a time E was all for soft, fluffy, cutesy bunnies, this year she took great delight in unwrapping a gothy, red-eyed rabbit that is now sat in pride of place on her bed. J, meanwhile, was chuffed to bits with his Celtic jewellery and cheesecloth shirts.
We are certainly an alternative household and I am rather proud that the kids ‘don’t care what others think’ and take pride in being different, I personally think that they both have a rather fabulous flare for fashion, though I do plan on discussing eyeliner application and amounts at some point in the near future with my ‘not so little lady’ as even I (the Queen of Eyeliner) sense E’s level of application is a little too heavy at times.
Whilst we’re never too sure which day or date it is with it being the post-Christmas slump, time’s certainly flying by a little too fast for my liking of late. J’s recently applied for a couple of local colleges and is currently towering at six-foot something meanwhile E has just overtaken me in height (which didn’t take too much effort given that I’m a measly five foot in height) and is currently borrowing my shoes, shirts, tops, jackets, coats, and whatever else she fancies leaving me with a drastically depleted wardrobe. Thankfully she’s got plenty of her own lipstick, mascara, and of course, eyeliner!
Despite the endless growing and towering above me, one thing’s for sure, I couldn’t be a prouder parent. I’ll say it time and time again and still, it doesn’t cover just how bloody proud I am of them both.
On that note, here’s to the end of another year and to the end of #LivingArrows on my blog. I have decided now that E is that bit older to stop featuring her photos each month, J opted out quite some time ago and I think the time is right to do the same for my daughter.
Thanks for all your comments and for reading over the years.