We have reached the final fortnight before the Christmas holidays commence.
I won’t lie, whilst the kids have been busy opening their advent calendars, I too have been busy counting down the days until I can finally collapse on the couch without having the endless school shoes to clean, lunch boxes to empty (and to wash out), bags to pack, uniforms to get ready and all of that malarkey.
I’m more than ready to have a rest and relax with a mince pie in my mit and a glass of baileys by my side. With only nine and a half working days to go (actually eight and a half now that today is done), we are so almost there…
The kids are rather enjoying the Christmas countdown. I sat them at the table the other day to write their Christmas cards. I suggested that they should aim to complete five cards per day in the hope that they’d be finished by the end of the week. One hour later I was handed two piles of perfectly written Christmas cards all signed and sealed ready to deliver. Talk about putting me to shame, I’ve only just finished writing my cards and I’m still to send them!
Signed, Sealed & Delivered
The kids are so excited, as they rightly should be at this time of year. They are all ready for their Christmas parties, present collection, play performances and of course the carol service which finalises the festive celebrations before the term comes to an end. The next fortnight is going to be a whirlwind of festive fun!
The after-school activities thankfully seem to have wound down a little. I’m rather relieved by this as I seem to have a serious case of ‘can’t be bothered itis’ and having observed my husband over the past few days, I’d say that it’s catching!
Christmas is just such a busy time of year, there’s just so much to do especially so as a parent. It’s all ‘lists lists lists’ for shopping, cards, presents, decorations, food, deliveries, meals, television and whatever else.
Talking of television – we finally managed to get a copy of the Radio Times (Christmas and New Year edition) this evening. The sharpie pen came out and we made a start on circling all the things that we’d like to watch and to record over Christmas. I remember as a kid that I’d spend hours circling all the programs and films that I wanted to watch, all of which were on one of the four channels that we had available to view.
These days there are hundreds of channels, online streaming services and all sorts of ways to watch whatever you fancy whenever you like… It’s great but then it takes the charm out of it a bit. I guess that’s the World these days – everything is available at the touch of a button… Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that kids have all this technology and information at their fingertips but I sometimes worry that it’s sticking them straight into the fast lane which isn’t helpful nor healthy.
Speaking of the fast lane, I’d better get back into gear and get myself ready for Bedfordshire. It’s a busy week and I’m going to need all the energy I can muster.
Thanks for reading and as always I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments upon this post.

This time of year is so exciting for the children and I’m very much like you – counting down to the end of term! x
Four and a half days to go …
Bring it on