With only twenty-one days until Christmas although whose counting? we dusted the decorations off and put our best efforts into getting them up and around the house over the weekend.
The kids were under strict instructions to work as a team whilst tarting up the tree with boxes full of gold and white baubles, stars and such-like, all of which they placed perfectly upon the tree with a little guidance from the Grinch AKA their OCD Mother whom watched from afar suffering with decorating distress at the idea of six baubles hanging from a single branch.
The children were reminded to stand back from time to time to gain a better view of which areas of the tree required dressing, not only did they do this but they also managed to do so without falling out or having a paddy.
With the Christmas tunes cranked up and the tree half-finished the children eventually lost steam and asked to take their own, smaller Christmas tree upstairs to decorate with random coloured baubles from years gone by. At least an hour went by before they returned requiring further entertainment and during that time both Paul and I worked our socks off to complete the downstairs decorating.
Sadly by the time I had to leave for work but before doing so I managed to snap a quick shot of the children placing the beloved Fairy upon the tree top with an LED light shoved up her backside for good measure. The children chose to do this together with a little lift from the resident muscle man although give it a few years and I’m fairly sure Paul will struggle to lift these two lumps, that and they will have no doubt grown to the height of the tree itself if they continue to sprout at their current rate of growth!
It was a super Saturday which seemed far less stressful than the decorating disasters I’ve witnessed during the past few years. The children actually got along and the decorations made it out of their boxes and onto display in one piece without any replacements required. The work required seemed minimal due to the ‘grand team effort’ and overall the entire experience seemed far easier than ever before!
It was just a little sad that I had to leave for work that evening thus was unable to sit back with a Baileys and enjoy the fruits of our labour whilst cosyed up on the couch with the kids watching ‘The Polar Express’. Ah well there’s plenty of time for that yet…
Thanks again for reading and as always I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments upon this post.

Lovely photo. It looks like they had a lovely time decorating the tree.
Thanks Stacey, we did indeed have a fabulous time!
It’s a special job putting the fairy on top of the tree ! It sounds like you all had a great time decorating for Christmas x
Thanks Angela we did indeed
Oh it sounds like such team work!! It’s looks like a beautiful tree too x
It’s lovely doing it as a family. My girls love tinkering with the tree though. #LivingArrows
I’m glad to hear you managed stress-free decorating! #LivingArrows
Thanks Sarah