Having ensured that my kids had brushed their teeth, washed their faces, brushed their hair, and were looking clean, smart, and ready to smile for the camera, I sent each of them off to school for their annual school snaps. Arriving home from school the kids merrily handed me their paper-proof copies of the snaps taken earlier that day and it was then that I realised we certainly do have a cost-of-living crisis.
According to the price list, a couple of copies of each of the kid’s snaps would cost me almost a day in wages, and whilst I’d usually feel guilty for declining the annual photo order, I very quickly ditched the ‘Mum-guilt’ and got even by snapping our own shots of the kids in their uniforms against a plain background. Not only were my pictures far better (as the kids were smiling naturally rather than grimacing with forced sneers) but they were also far cheaper. Sod the Mum-guilt, I’m saving my pennies and printing my own pictures in the future!
So they might not have ‘Tempest’ printed from corner to corner nor will they be etched into glass or framed in solid gold (which is what I’d expect at Tempest’s prices) but they capture a real smile at a realistic price.
Thank you for reading and as always, I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments on this post.