Having endured what seems like weeks of endless wind, rain, and miserable weather, Halloween remained crisp and dry, perfect for our two treasures to go out trick or treating around the local area.
J chose to dress up as Spamton, a computer-based cartoon character with a pale face, an elongated nose, and multi-colored shades, whereas E opted to be a fire demon/ devil. To say they looked awesome is an understatement, J so was proud of his costume that he even agreed to let me share his snap on my blog.
The kids spent a few happy hours wandering around the local area collecting their tricks and treats and after seeing the sheer amount they have collected, I can most certainly say they’ve been spooked/ spoilt rotten this year!
On that note, I’m off to find some serious makeup remover (for the kids!) and to enjoy a Mars bar or two…Happy Halloween Folks!
Thank you for reading and as always, I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments on this post.

1 comment
They look awesome! So lovely to see both of them too! x