‘Day one’ of the half term hasn’t really panned out as I first planned. I’d have liked to have spent the entire day with my children enjoying our time together as a family. However, I spent this morning back in the local hospital having yet more tests to identify exactly what is going on in my body and to find some solutions for the future.
Following a rather lengthy chat with the consultant, I took myself for some retail therapy. After spending at least half an hour wandering around the aisles of Bits Missing aka B&M Bargains, I returned home with two advent calendars for the kids, a new notebook style diary for J and a couple of presents for an upcoming party.
Meanwhile Paul kept the kids entertained by baking a batch of bread. I’d love to tell you that this was ‘Bake Off’ standard but sadly this is far from the case. I arrived home to find a ball of hardened dough which could possibly be used as a weapon if push came to shove. As I inspected said bread, Paul asked whether I’d eaten yet. It was then that I realised not only had I strayed from shopping for myself but I’d also forgotten to eat!
I felt really bad for being out and about without the kids, I therefore broke the rules and allowed each of them a little tech time as the three of us sat and played on the XBox together. J was rather impressed with my retro games and it felt great to bend the rules a little, that and to work together as a team.
Three hours later I was back out having my hair cut and coloured. It’s been three months or more since my mop last had a chop, that said I still felt bad for going back out and once again leaving the kids with their Dad and the dog. They didn’t seem to bat an eyelid as they were far too engrossed in playing with their Lego sets. I’m not sure they even noticed that I was gone as when I came back they were still busy building bits and pieces whilst making yet more mess which I’m hoping has been cleared up but to be honest cannot be bothered checking upon at this time of night.
Having being back and forth for the majority of the day, I suggested that before bed time it may be nice to sit and to settle with a movie. We eventually decided upon ‘The Curse of the Were-Rabbit’ as J has recently shown an interest in animation and with Halloween fast approaching it seemed apt.
J seems to have matured somewhat and is now able to understand some of the ‘adult humour’ which is featured within this Wallace and Gromit’ classic. He and I were both in fits of hysterics throughout the film and it was a real pleasure to listen to him laugh along.
Our Not So Little Man
E may be the youngest in her year but she too has come on leaps and bounds over the past year. She is far more independent and emotionally secure these days. E never fails to surprise me with her quirky and confident quips which almost always crack me into fits of laughter.
Little Miss Independence
It’s amazing how quickly kids seem to grow up, one moment they are asking you to tie their shoe laces and to wipe their noses and the next they are all independent and far more aware than you ever realised.
Here’s hoping that now my appointments are out of the way that I can spend the rest of the half term enjoying time with these two amazing little people.
Thanks for reading and as always I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments upon this post.
I hope you get to the bottom of what’s wrong too – and it sounds like you all had a good day despite some not so great parts. #LivingArrows
I hope the rest of half term picked up for you and that they come up with some answers at the hospital soon! x
I hope you managed to find out what’s wrong and you enjoyed the rest of your half-term. #LivingArrows