It’s finally half term and at the end of the week it’ll be Halloween thus we’ve spent this afternoon decorating the house with various pumpkins, skeletons, ghouls, and ghosts to set the scene.
Hilarious Halloween Films
J & E have been enjoying spending family time together watching Halloween films and shows, including the Percy Jackson films, which until this week I’d not seen before and I must say they were a rather good watch!
Spooky Snaps
Though I had originally hoped to book a day or two out and about, we were reluctant to commit to anything following our recent covid case. Although we’ve got numerous appointments, meetings, and such-like to attend throughout the week and I’ve spent the majority of today on the phone, on the internet, or filling out forms in order to catch up with a few jobs which I’ve been meaning to tackle for a while now so we’ve been productive at least!
Despite our lack of plans, we’re sticking to all things seasonal as E is off to bake Christmas cake with her Nana tomorrow whilst we take J for his orthodontics appointment and with a little luck, we’re hoping to get out for some trick or treating on Sunday night but otherwise, I’m quite happy to just go with the flow this half term.
Thank you for reading and as always, I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments upon this post.
What a lovely photo of your eldest! I hope you had a good half term? x
Hope you’ve had a lovely half term – despite the horrible weather!
We really enjoyed the Percy Jackson movies too! Great when you find something everyone enjoys that you’ve not seen before x
It is 🙂