We are now midway through September and although it’s only been a few weeks since the kids started back at school, already they are surprising me with their sudden spurts in growth and independence.
I cannot believe quickly our little ones are growing up; J has now started walking home from school with his friends which has taken me a little getting used to, though he’s ten now and can be trusted to walk sensibly and hopefully safely home.
Once home, J helps out around the house, he then practices on his drums before entertaining himself and his sister with games and activities such as chess, drawing, building circuits or Lego. He truly is the best big brother, even if E isn’t always accommodating to his efforts.
As for television when it’s on, he is no longer bothered about cartoons, he’d rather watch a documentary or even better – The Bake Off! I cannot believe how mature he has become over this past year or so, I keep having to remind myself that he’s only ten!
Bake Off Boy
E has settled into year two nicely and despite being nervous to try ‘new things’ I believe she is giving most things a go including food when offered!
E has now started bringing home friends from school for playdates, it’s all fun and games until I’m left tidying her bedroom hours later…Who knew girls could make such a mess?!
This weekend E was awarded her Level Two Swimming Certificate, she can now swim a length unaided both breaststroke and backstroke. E’s lessons have now moved to a later time as she has joined a more advanced class, this may interfere with our weekly Sunday lunch plans but learning to swim takes priority over a roast dinner!
My Little Mermaid
No matter how many days, months, years go by. No matter how old my kids maybe, they will always be my babies. I will forever cheer them on with pride as they continue in their successes.
Thanks for reading and as always I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments upon this post.

Ah i just love this. It’s fantastic that your son is such a great brother, and I live for the day my kids outgrow cartoons! Seriously though, it’s terrifying how quickly they grow!
My word it is 🙂
They really are growing up so quickly! We haven’t really had many playdates yet! x
Awww it flies by !
It takes some getting used to letting them go and have independence but it’s also lovely that you get to share new things with them. We love a bit of bake off in this house!
Bake off is the best x
It sounds like they’re both growing up into lovely little people 🙂 #LivingArrows
Awww thanks xxx
Sounds like they are doing really well. I wish mine would prefer to watch bake off! Well done on the swimming that’s great.
The swimming is going swimmingly