We’ve had quite a busy week all told, what with two birthdays, a number of appointments, shopping trips and such-like, it’s been a lot more like ‘normal’. Since she turned seven, E has been busy playing with her piles of presents; we’ve built two Frozen Lego models so far this week, we’ve dyed each other’s hair with ‘hair crayons’, we’ve applied countless glitter tattoos and we’ve almost polished off the cake!
Hair Crayon Crazy
Our Lovely But Not So Little ‘Leaver’
J FINALLY received his leaver’s hoodie a few days back and though it’s been quite some time since he actually went to school, I think it was a rather nice way to bring things to a close especially with the summer holiday’s coming towards an end.
I’m planning to spend the remainder of the week organising and sorting things ready for getting ‘back to school’ time, though I’ll be honest I’m far from ready, not mentally at least as I just don’t think it’s entirely safe as of yet. I guess time will tell…
Thank you for reading and as always, I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments upon this post.
Oh wow, he looks so grown up in his hoodie and I hope secondary school goes well for him. Athena’s just got some hair chalk which she’s looking forward to trying out x
He’s taller than me now – it’s scary lol