It’s been a week of celebration for the family, Paul and I became an Auntie and Uncle again following the birth of our beautiful new niece. I cannot wait to meet her!
Meanwhile the kids celebrated their academic success at their recent presentation ceremony where E scooped a teachers award! J meanwhile picked up a well-deserved book prize for his fantastic progress. It was awesome to watch both J & E take to the stage to collect their medals, books, and certificates. Though being the emotionally mushy, proud parent that I am, I couldn’t help but shed a tear or two…
I really wish I could hold back the waterworks at times like these. It must be so confusing for the kids looking down at their parents in the audience expecting for them to be cheering or waving, only to see them dabbing tears from their eyes… It’s awfully embarrassing having your eyes leak whilst sat in a crowd too – if only I had a heart of stone!
Our Little Treasure Getting The Teachers Award
Our Brilliant Boy Getting His Book Award
I cannot express how proud I am of my two treasures, they really do blow me away! I cannot believe that come September J will be in his final year of primary school and E will be spending her last year in school as an infant – Time certainly flies when you’re having fun!
Thanks for reading and as always I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments upon this post.

Oh wow, what a week! You must be so proud of them – and congrats on your new niece too! x
I am incredibly proud thanks Donna x
Oh well done – no wonder you are proud! I would be an emotional mess too/ #LivingArrows
I was a bit teary lol
I was !!!