I thought I ought to give a rather large shout out to the hubby this week as not only has he provided me with photos for which to share upon this weeks edition of #LivingArrows but he has also put up with some seriously stealthy strops, sibling rivalry and stubborn showdowns. I’m not sure whether there’s something in the water or whether our children are going through ‘a phase’ either way they seem to be damned hard work of late!
One things for sure I couldn’t ask for a better Father for my children, whilst I’m out at work Paul keeps the troops entertained one way or another. Although I often return to find him looking worn and weary taking five with a beer in the bath there’s good reason for his furrowed brow as those kids of ours are hard work at the best of times.
Don’t get me wrong I love my children dearly but there are times when like most parents I could happily lock them in a cupboard for five minutes peace and quiet. They are amazing little humans but perhaps back when Paul and I were planning to have children we should have sat down for a moment and thought about the consequences of combining our DNA!
Our children are a perfect mix of Paul and I which obviously means that our children are stubborn, outspoken, nerdy, brimming with attitude and fiery! As you can imagine having just one of these characters would be enough but two often results in all out war…
Paul did his very best to keep the little ones happy, entertained and at peace whilst I was busy serving pints. Even on a rowdy evening behind the bar I am fairly certain that I still got the easy end of the stick, I sure as hell wouldn’t have trusted E with an electronic device other than an IPad never mind a bleeding electronic food whisk!
Winning At Whisking
As for J, he may have been given a brand, spanking new bike for birthday last year which is suited to his size but why bother riding that when you have your old bike down on the farm?
Here he is having a ride around the Grandparents house while they were away sunning themselves down South.
The Boy On His Bike
He certainly does a grand job of keeping our two busy and for that I am hugely grateful. Our kids seem to have an issue with requiring constant entertainment which quite frankly is rather overwhelming at times. Back when I was a child being ‘bored’ was a thing, you found something to do and entertained yourself for a while whereas these days it seems kids require constant activity, constant attention and whilst I’d love to be able to offer this I also suspect it may do our little ones a certain amount of good to entertain themselves once in a while.
I may give the ‘boredom’ theory a shot and snap some shots of the results although I very much doubt those snaps will be shared in future #LivingArrows posts as ‘faces like thunder’ are hardly photogenic!
Thanks again for reading and as always I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments upon this post.
Your husband sounds like an absolute star! x
He can be …