Welcome to this weeks rather soppy edition of #LivingArrows when not only am I going to share a picture of my two beautiful children but I am also including the hubby because he deserves some love.
I may not say this as often as I should but I certainly struck lucky when I met Paul. Not only is he a fantastic fella and handsome hubby but is a blumming brilliant Daddy.
I was once rather irked by the fact that the children seemed to be shaking their pom-poms for ‘Team Daddy’ but these days I see it for what it is, adorable. To be honest even the sodding dog prefers Paul to me… who can blame her, he’s far more likely to throw her a biscuit than me!
Paul may be a grumpy sod at times (and I’m pretty sure he will admit this should you ask him) but he will do anything for his children even if it means being up half the night despite being in work the following morning. He is patient to a point, understanding and most of all ‘a big kid’ which is precisely what children need.
I on the other hand being ‘Bad Cop’ am less inclined to ‘give in’ and whilst I try to let my hair down a little and go with the flow I cannot help but to insist upon structure and routine. I know, it sounds totally boring especially from a child’s point of view but it’s just how I am.
I guess it’s me the kids run to if they fall over and hurt themselves and its me that the kids ask if they want to know when or where things are happening. I’m the reliable, predictable Mummy and no matter how hard I try to loosen up I will never match Paul’s horizontally laid back look upon life.
Team Daddy
Daddy & Daughter
It may be Mother’s Day in a week or so but I can guarantee there will never be a day when it isn’t Daddy’s day in this household!
Thanks again for reading and as always I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments upon this post.
I think children need the balance of both and you seem to have that down perfectly. It’s the other way round in my house, annoyingly so I can’t even go to the loo alone !
It’s so lovely how close your husband and the children are. They do sound like a perfect team. Gorgeous photos! x
They sure are.