At the risk of sounding like Phil Mitchell from Eastenders – “Family is everything”. When times get tough it’s family that you protect and family that you turn to. My family is indeed everything…
These two treasures are my sunshine on a cloudy day, my rainbow in a stormy sky, they are the colour, the beauty and the happiness in my life.
I can’t really remember a time before having kids which may seem odd. What exactly did I do with my time? Sure we watched television, we enjoyed evenings out, we read books, we batch baked and we tampered with technology but what did we actually do?!
I love my little family, even the daft dog (that turned two years old last week). I appreciate each and every day but wish that things could stay like this forever. To see J walking his beloved basset and scaling sand dunes whilst wearing his ‘wellybobs’… to be cuddled tightly and ‘nose nosed’ by my little Princess in her fluffy bunny onesies or Frozen outfits, these moments won’t last forever so I’ll hold onto them with every ounce of my heart.
Time ticks by, we age, circumstances alter, and inevitably things will change leaving us with nothing other than the memories. Make the most of every moment and treasure your memories for they are all we are left with.
Thanks for reading and as always I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments upon this post.

Ahhh what a lovely post! I can barely remember what my life was like before kids either, what did we do with all that time? #LivingArrows
I know x
I remember a time without my kids (even though it was a long time ago, my eldest is 32!) But I wouldn’t want to go back to it at all. My kids are everything to me, even when they drive me to distraction. I hope you are okay x
Thanks x
I can definitely remember a time before kids – but then mine are younger and I didn’t have Toby until I was 34 so I had quite a lot of time before I had them. I do miss some things about life before children but I wouldn’t change them for anything, and we’re definitely finding that as they get older it’s easier to do the things that were hard when they were babies. You’re right that we should hold on to every moment though – time really does fly when kids are little, I can’t believe mine will be 5 and 7 this year!
Gosh growing up so fast
Children really should be the light of your life, shouldn’t they? This is a lovely post x
Thanks Donna x