Having spent most of the holidays parading in our pyjamas, the kids seem to have stuck to the habit and who can blame them? I find so much comfort just from putting on a pair of slippers, it’s the first thing I do upon arriving home. I can therefore understand my little ones love for lounge wear. I’d happily wear my pyjamas and dressing gown all day long if I could, as for fluffy bed socks – I can’t get enough of them!
With it being winter and slightly on the chilly side, E decided to wear her ‘Ninny (her word for bunny) onesie’ over her leotard, whilst on the way to her dance class this evening. She looked so ridiculously cute, especially so as she hopped around whilst creasing up her nose, making squeaking sounds.
Bunny Beautiful
Our little lady is bonkers about bunnies, she now has six, pink, plush bunny’s, all of which she takes to bed each night. Her one wish for Christmas was to be able to be a bunny, Santa therefore brought her this incredibly cute onesie and it seems to have been a big hit!
Loving Living In Lounge Wear
Meanwhile J was a happy chappy sat in his Jim-jams whilst playing with his Lego this evening. He has a real thing about texture and material comforts. He must take after his Mother as I too crave comfort through clothing.
I’ve recently gutted and updated J’s wardrobe with a range of newer, larger clothing. Whilst in the midst of my online purchases, J requested that I jib the jeans and change them for chinos. He apparently prefers soft, cotton fabrics to denim, as they “feel nicer to wear” so he says.
I personally think that J has become so accustomed to living in lounge wear over the holidays, that he’s trying to find the closest alternative clothing for day wear. I can hardly find fault in his choices, as I myself tend to live in cotton-soft leggings and floppy tops at present.
So long as my kids are comfortable and content, what should it matter what they choose to wear? After all, life is perfect in pyjamas!
Thanks for reading and as always I look forward to catching up with your #LivingArrows either through your own posts or comments upon this post.
That Lego storage is amazing! And I’m just like all of you – I would live in my PJs if I could x
Hehe thanks Donna x
I love the bunny, I need something like that for my little lady after swimming and dancing. Totally agree with J I need more comfy clothing all the time #livingarrows
E adores being wrapped up warm, the bunny suit was from Ebay!