Apologies for posting so late but I’ve been über busy catching up on the housework since returning home from Majorca, that and I’ve been working unusual shift patterns to fit around numerous social gatherings all whilst trying to keep two children entertained. Either way I’ve had very little time to do much of anything! Whilst I’m sat with laptop in hand, here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past seven days or so…
Having spent just over a week wiping my watery eyes each and every time I applied sun tan lotion I’ve since spent a fair amount of time reading up on the various ingredients of various lotions and potions. I am desperate to find something which will allow me to apply makeup without it pouring down my face hours later.
I’m yet to identify precisely what it is that is causing such a reaction but I suspect it may well be the oxybenzone which is said to be a particularly nasty chemical which just so happens to reside in most sun tan lotions.
Hopefully with a little research, advice and some serious product testing I might just find a suitable solution in time for my next trip abroad, either that or I’ll have to consider having my eyeliner tattooed on to save time reapplying endless amounts of eyeliner to watery, sore eyes.
Having being away for a while I’ve since found myself playing catch up with the soaps. I managed to get myself up-to-date with Eastenders but am yet to find the time to catch up with my Aussie favourite, Home & Away.
Following an ridiculously busy week in Majorca, it was really nice to sit down in the comfort of my own home and to vegetate in front of the television for a while!
Having spent a night behind the bar rocking along to Phoebe (an awesome local singer) and Steve (who just so happens to be my folks neighbour and also a fab guitarist) I’ve since found myself digging out some golden oldies such as KT Turnstall‘s ‘Black Horse & A Cherry Tree’. You can’t beat a bit of chick rock, Woohoo!
I magically made four cases of dirty clothing into six loads of clean washing… does that count as having ‘made’ something? Probably not… I haven’t had much time to make anything really other than memories whilst abroad and we certainly made a whole lot of them!
Having spent the week wearing very little due to the extreme heat I am now back to wearing jeans and jumpers thanks to the British weather. Lord knows where Summer went, its brass monkeys out there!
And Lastly
Having spent eight days in Majorca with the hubby and the children I can safely say ‘its good to be home’. As Dorothy quite rightly said “Theres no place like home”.
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed this weeks #LittleLoves. If you fancy sharing some of your own #LittleLoves then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what your #LittleLoves might be.