Welcome to this weeks #LittleLoves, I for one am certainly glad that it’s the weekend although whilst most people tend to kick back and relax for two days I seem to do the complete opposite. Still, I enjoy having Paul home and being able to spend some time as a family together before the next week dawns upon us.
I don’t feel that my offerings for this weeks #LittleLoves post are hugely inspiring but here goes…
Sadly this week I haven’t really read an awful lot, I am still trying to complete a few books which I currently have on the go. Most of the text which I have read this week seems to has been random job advertisements, applications and specifications.
Thankfully Game Of Thrones finally came to an end last week which means I can finally sit with my husband together as a couple on Monday evenings rather than being banished to another room whilst my husband devours yet more  barbaric, pornographic rubbish (sorry for those of you that are fans but it really isn’t my cup of tea).
This week a new series began, a series that both my husband and I could actually enjoy together.’Forces Of Nature’ is a four-part series hosted by Brian Cox airing on BBC 1. Both my husband and I are geeks by nature and both greatly enjoy watching pretty much anything which Brian Cox has been remotely involved within, therefore this was quality nerdy time for the pair of us!
The series began with ‘The Universe In A Snowflake’ which discussed the shapes and structures within nature and compared the similarities and symmetry featured on our planet to the wider Universe. It was fairly mind-blowing as anything featuring Mr Cox tends to be, that and of course mind-boggling as Brian has a way of boggling our minds with simple words. It’s certainly worth a watch if you haven’t yet seen this series, here is the link if you fancy a nosey.
As I’ve no doubt mentioned many times before, E loves her Music bless her. This week she seems to have become rather taken with simple nursery rhymes, she has mastered pretty much every action in the book and insists upon having Music of some sort playing from morning till night. We don’t have a particular favourite, E isn’t fussy! She is happy singing anything from ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ to ‘Miss Polly Had A Dolly’, I on the other hand am finding it rather frustrating finding myself humming ‘Wind The Bobbin Up’Â randomly here and there.Â
I haven’t really made anything as such this week which seems odd as I am usually the crafty type. E and I made some Rock Buns the other day if that counts but the main thing that I have been focusing upon getting finished is my CV. I managed to finally get everything written down that really needs to be included and then found myself staring at not two (the standard and recommended amount of pages for a CV) but four pages of information, all of which feels fairly important to me. My good friend Ian has agreed to take an axe to my work and hopefully at some point I may manage to wittle it down to the standard page structure. I tried at least, at the end of the day I am sorely tempted to write ‘Giz a job!’ but then that may not get me far…
With the weather being similar to British politics in that it seems to have absolutely no idea what it’s doing, I decided to treat myself to some wet weather wear. I haven’t used the word ‘Cagoule‘ since I was in Primary School but that is precisely what I ordered last week ‘on tinternet’. I opted for a colourful, lightweight jacket to keep me dry should the heavens open whilst out and about. As it turns out my Cagoule isn’t really waterproof, I’m not even sure whether I’d class it as shower proof in all honesty. Still, I love the ‘flower power’ feel to the jacket and for now ‘it’ll do’ until Autumn at least.
And Lastly
Paul and I spent half an hour this week trawling around the local shoe shop in search of cheap school shoes for J because he seems to have a habit of having a full on growth spurt only a few weeks before the end of term, this happens each and every sodding year without fail! Whilst finding J the cheapest pair of school shoes which ‘will do’ him a few weeks until the end of term, E found some Peppa Pig slippers which she simply had to have and  I spotted a rather pretty handbag that I too rather fancied.
Whilst stood at the till about to purchase said shoes and slippers I mentioned the handbag to Paul who then asked the shop assistant the price of said bag whilst of course rolling his eyes no doubt thinking to himself ‘not another bleeding bag’. The price must have been fair as Paul very kindly added the handbag to our list of purchases.
I absolutely love it! It has interior and exterior pockets for my random accessories, a long strap (which is a must have when it comes to bags for me) and it looks fairly swish too. It may not be the tan leather satchel that I saw online for a price I could barely say out loud but it as close as damn it!
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed this weeks #LittleLoves. If you fancy sharing your #LittleLoves then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what your #LittleLoves might be.
Good luck with the job h7nting. #littleloves
Love the bag, the colour is lovely! Hope the job hunting goes well and something pops up soon. Have a wonderful weekend xx
A long strap IS an absolute musthave for a bag! Hope the job hunting goes well!
Love the bag and yes I agree about a long strap. Fingers crossed for you with the job hunting, and well done on updating your CV. Mine is horribly out of date. And you can’t beat a nice looking cagoule can you, even if it does drench you which mine does too #littleloves x
Fab bag.
Lol I need a ‘cagoul’ and love the look of yours…. But a shower proof one would be handy haha! Xx
Good luck with the job hunting. I’ve been interviewing a lot this week and its the mums who impressed most with their motivation and drive, mums have so many skills that are in demand in the workplace.
Really? Well we will see x