Welcome to this month’s #LittleLoves post, you are very welcome to join the linky and to share your #Littleloves by commenting on the post.
September may be a shorter month than most but it’s been jam-packed in this household. We’ve had changes all round in this household as E made a start at secondary school, J is now in his final year, and I’ve adjusted to a whole new routine with my new role. So without further ado, here are a few of my #LittleLoves for September.
I haven’t had quite the same amount of time to sit and read as I once did. I have however managed to get through both of Colleen Hoover’s ‘It Ends With Us’ and ‘It Starts With Us’ which were the most touching sequels to read. I’m now looking forward to watching the film once it’s released on Prime.
September has gifted us with some amazing TV shows and series, including of course ‘One For The Road’, the final ever episode of The Grand Tour which was a heart-warming and wrenching watch. We’ve also enjoyed Netflix’s ‘The Perfect Couple‘, Channel Four’s new episodes of Gogglebox and The Great British Bake-Off, and we’ve even enjoyed an evening out as we took our son to watch his first live stand-up comedian, Ed Byrne.
Other than various radio stations, I’ve not listened to all that much this month. One song that has gained my attention however is Max McNown’s ‘A Lot More Free’. Not only is his voice gorgeously gritty but his lyrics are very relatable.
I baked an obligatory birthday cake for my amazing Mother-in-law’s seventieth earlier this month. We arrived at her shin-dig with our cake in hand to find that her sister had the same idea and had made an almost identical cake! There was therefore plenty of cake to go around and it all got eaten!
Having recently been introduced to the joys of Shein, I’ve enjoyed quite the autumn wardrobe update as I’ve recently received a brand new autumn cardigan and brand new slippers. It’s all about the comfort when it comes to my clothes!
And Lastly
September saw my Mother-in-law turn seventy, E start senior school, J make a start on his final GCSE year, our household find an entirely new routine, and we’ve also enjoyed several visits from friends throughout the month including a surprise visit from one of my Dad’s childhood friends who came all the way from Canada!
Thanks for reading my #LittleLoves post, I look forward to catching up and reading through your #LittleLoves posts

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1 comment
70, I wish I was that again, I had my 73rd on the 13th yikes!