September feels like it has been a long, long month. Yet looking back, I don’t feel as if I’ve done an awful lot other than work and get as much as humanly possible done around the house over the weekends. September seems to have completely and utterly exhausted me, here’s hoping that I find my energy and mojo come October! Until then, here’s a few of my #LittleLoves throughout September.
I’ve barely had the time to pick up a book, never mind to read one! I have however spent time reading copious amounts of information regarding the transition to secondary school, as low and behold, it’s time to apply to secondary school for our little man.
I sooo hope that he gets into his first choice of school, though considering the ever-growing popularity of the said school, I fear that his chances may be slim. With our application now done and dusted, we’ve now to wait till March to hear back upon where he is heading.
Having read various viewing recommendations, my husband and I finally got around to watching Deep Water, a thrilling and rather sinister ITV series filmed and based around the area in which we live.
It was a short but gripping series, with a stonking soundtrack, that my husband and I devoured within a couple of days and I would thoroughly recommend should you have the time to watch.
I love a bit of Alexa, we now have four devices around the house and each one gets used every day. Being a current subscriber to Amazon Music Unlimited, I’ve been enjoying all kinds of their preset playlists, especially the ‘Unlimited Acoustic’ playlist which is a current favorite.
Other than a rather rushed and messy sixty-fifth birthday cake for my mother-in-law, I’ve not made an awful lot this month.
Paul and I have however put together drawings and plans for our future kitchen, from which a 3D render has now been created. Although we have a while to wait until our plans will be put into action, it’s really nice to gather our ideas together and to put them into print to see for ourselves.
People may tease, but I don’t half feel the cold at this time of year! Whilst most people are still flip-flopping around outdoors, I, on the other hand, have swapped my sandals for some chunky boots (brand new this month) and a duvet (you read it right – duvet not duffel) style, knee-length winter coat to keep me cozy.
And Lastly
This month marked a return to school for the kids, E began her final year of the infants whilst J began his final year of primary school… it’s certainly a year for the milestones!
Both J & E have settled into their new classes and routines with ease. E has also continued to attend her weekly swimming lessons, recently gaining her level two swimming certificate, whilst J has made masses of progress in his drumming.
I cannot express how proud I am of my amazing kids and their progress – they are such a terrific little team!
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed this months #LittleLoves. If you fancy sharing some of your own #LittleLoves, then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what your #LittleLoves might be.
Definitely sounds like a busy month! Love the look of your new boots #littleloves
Thanks Joanna x
I love your kitchen design! Gorgeous and how exciting!! I hope E & J settled back into school well this month! Cannot believe they’ve all been back nearly a month already! Its flown by! I am with you on the reading for secondary schools! Mammoth task in itself! Cannot wait to find out now in March!!
Bring on March 2020 – they should just sort it by January but no no keep us waiting lol
I really feel the cold too even though I love Autumn as a season – jumpers and boots are firmly on here (though I’ve managed to resist putting the heating on so far). I hope your boy gets his first choice of school. We’ve been through it all twice in the last two years with my oldest two girls and I’m quite glad I’ve had a break this year before doing it all over again for a third time with my youngest daughter next year!
I’ll have to wait till March to find out for sure – nerve wracking !