November is no longer, December has descended upon us and here we are again at yet another Friday, that must mean it’s time to document my #LittleLoves from the past seven days or so which there’s plenty of things to list given that I’ve barely had time to fart never mind to put my feet up!
I keep meaning to delve into a decent read but haven’t had the time nor the inclination. I have however spent a huge chunk of time reading with the children mostly with E, boosting her understanding of phonics, blending and putting together sounds to create words.
Not only has E spent time reading books but she has also completed writing her entire collection of Christmas cards signing her name upon each one correctly. It’s a pleasure to watch my little lady learn, I may no longer be a Teacher in a classroom but I am certainly a Teacher here at home.
Given that our entire household is a gang of geeks it’s hardly surprising that we enjoy watching the likes of Robot Wars. Theres nothing quite like sitting back with the sprogs and cheering along a random robot on the rampage, bring on Christmas when Santa delivers ‘Battlebots’ to J as I for one can’t wait for the carnage!
It may be December and the point in time when I should be listening to Christmas songs but having spent the past three weeks with the radio tuned into ‘Magic Christmas‘ I’ve found myself switching to Kiss FM for some light relief.
To celebrate ‘Roman Day’ J was asked to dress up and to take some form of Roman food/ snack along with him to School.
Having left it till last-minute I threw together a few ‘Roman Biscuits’ for the class to try by following a mash of online recipes which resulted in what I can only describe as wholemeal pastry circles with a sprinkle of sugar on top. I didn’t take a picture of my brilliant biscuits as I was too busy snapping shots of J dressed as a Roman as you can see from the above picture.
The biscuits may have been much like cardboard both in appearance and texture but they were at least eaten and enjoyed!
I’m not sure what’s going on with my hair of late but I’ve found that I’ve become bored with my barnet. Having thrown my hair into pigtails to keep it from falling into my eyes I then decided to add a couple of hair grips to lift the pigtails resulting in what Paul described as a ‘oriental style’.
I’m not sure whether I entirely love this look but it’s certainly different and has kept my hair out of my eyes and out of my way whilst working.
And Lastly
As I said at the beginning of this post and as I am sure that you aware December has arrived. The advent calendars have therefore been brought down from the attic and along with the regular chocolate calendars which have been given to our kids by family and friends our children are now on the countdown to Christmas ensuring they prepare their digestive system accordingly by consuming at least three lumps of chocolate prior to eating breakfast.
Tis the season to be jolly and apparently to scoff like a pig without a care for counting the calories. Who am I to argue?
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed this weeks #LittleLoves. If you fancy sharing some of your own #LittleLoves then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what your #LittleLoves might be.
Oh gosh, I really must get some Christmas cards. My two keep asking to do theirs for school. Bless your E managing to do them all herself. My youngest normally does a few then gets bored and wants to do something else! xx
She’s a treasure x