Welcome to this weeks #LittleLoves, it’s been a fairly hectic week with preparing for my son turning seven and so I haven’t really done a great deal of watching, reading or anything remotely relaxing. There are however a few bits and pieces that I have shown a particular love for during this week and will of course share these with you.
I keep meaning to sit down, relax and get into a new book but I never seem to find the time. I spend a lot of my free time either reading blogs or blogging myself and really other than catching up with the soaps, I just don’t seem to get a moment to kick back and to devour a book from cover to cover. Mind you saying that, rather than reading a traditional book I tend to read on my Kindle these days. I love my little old Kindle, it has been well used over the years but I will admit that since my husband got his new ‘Kindle PaperWhite‘ I am aware of how dark my own Kindle screen seems in comparison and have found myself less inclined to read since.
I tend to do most of my reading on my Mac or IPhone these days, mainly catching up on blogs as I’ve already said. This week I have spent quite a bit of time reading ‘MumsyMum’, a toddler and lifestyle blog. There is so much about Clare’s blog that reminds me of myself that it can feel quite spooky at times. Firstly there is the polka dot background, most of you that know me will know that I have a bit of a thing for polka dots. Secondly, Clare has a child on the spectrum and I can relate to that as you know. Thirdly and most probably the reason that I keep returning to this blog is from what Clare writes, I sense that we are on the same wavelength in terms of humour and our outlook on life. If you haven’t read any of Clare’s posts then why not pop over to ‘TheMumsyMum.com’ and take a squizz at Clare’s blog.
Neither Paul or I have had a great amount of time to sit down and watch the box. Our main television viewing this week has been in short stints as our kids have been suffering from coughs and colds and waking regularly. When we have managed to watch the TV it has literally been for thirty minutes to catch up on the soaps before we are once again required by snotty children in need of calpol or cuddles.
Eastenders seems to be the one thing that we have watch this week. Those of you that are fans of Walford Square will know that Grant AKA Ross Kemp is back on the square to see his ‘Ma’ as she is sadly about to snuff it. Peggy Mitchell AKA Barbara Windsor is an oldtime Eastenders character recently returned (from Gala Bingo adverts so it seems) to bring a close to her character.
There are some pretty tear jerking episodes this week based upon Peggy’s fight against cancer and her decision to take matters into her own hands. It was particularly touching to see the return of Pat Butcher AKA Pat St Clemence helping her good friend Peggy to stick two fingers up to cancer and have the final word. I have seen a few storylines similar to this recently on a range of programs and it makes me wonder whether Euthanasia is being promoted by television programs, in an attempt to make it more acceptable and maybe in the long run to help legalise the process for those in suffering.
I spent most of Wednesday listening to the sound of a Bouncy Castle air pump, I had no idea just how noisy those things were until I recently bagged a bargain on good old ebay. It’s only a small bouncy castle but its an ideal size for our two kids to play with in the garden on a sunny day.
I spent most of this week worrying about making J’s birthday cakes. I decided to stick to a Minecraft theme and ended up making thirty small fairy cakes topped with green and black icing for his school friends.
I then made the main birthday cake as a large square topped with multiple squares and figures as planned, this will be shared with our family and friends and will also be used in the party bags for Saturdays cinema trip.
This week I sadly ran out of Sun, Moon and Stars which is my favourite Perfume from Karl Lagerfield, I have therefore been wearing ‘A Touch Of Pink’ from Lacoste, this is the perfume which I wore on my wedding day and whilst I love it, I cannot justify wearing such an expensive perfume on a daily basis given that I spend most days crawling around entertaining my toddler. I will replace my cheap and cheerful regular perfume shortly.
And Lastly
Whilst in town following a hospital visit I decided that I really needed to spend the Next voucher that had been sat dormant in my purse for months on end before it was no longer valid. I nipped into Next in search of a new bag and whilst they didn’t have any tan leather bags with a long enough strap for my liking, they did however have a lovely black bag which is a little larger than my current handbag and will fit a few more things of E’s into for when we are out and about.
I bit the bullet and bought it and I am so glad that I did because now that E is fully potty trained, I only really need to carry a change of clothes, wipes and a drink which fits really well into my new bag along with my purse, phone, vape and all the other random crap that I like to carry.
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed this weeks #LittleLoves. If you fancy sharing your#LittleLoves then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what your#LittleLoves might be.
I love “Touch of Pink” its definitely a summer scent! As a non watcher of Eastenders I tuned in this week for the final peggy episode and I was really shocked that they didn’t do a better send off. I thought it would of been better than it was. I doubt I will watch anymore episodes anytime soon! Love the bag! Have a wonderful weekend #littlelove
Thanks Anna x
I don’t think I have watched EastEnders in about 5 years now, but I have heard alot about the send off for Peggy. Love your minecraft cake that you made, I am rubbish at making cakes. Hope your son has a lovely birthday and cinema trip, and enjoy your weekend x
Thanks xxx
oh what a fab sounding week. I love the cake and the Minecraft buns! The bag is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your week 🙂
Thank you X
Your cakes are great. That bouncy castle looks great. Have a nice weekend celebrating.
Thank you x
thanks x
LOVE that handbag, so stylish.
Minecraft is so popular at the moment isn’t it? All of my eldest daughter’s friends love it, and it’s such a fun theme for a party. x
It is a great theme xx