I seem to have lost all sense of time of late – I’m forever checking the day, and the date to check where I am in the month and by’eck May sure flew by quickly! To celebrate what was a very short-lived month, here are a few of my #LittleLoves from the past few weeks.
It’s high time that I stopped promising myself that I’ll read a book each month. Though I read physical books with my children on a daily basis, my own reading tends to be screen-based these days; whether it’s the news, or online articles (which I read way too many of), much of what I read is digital thus I find it really tricky to reflect upon what I’ve read each month.
Having waited for just over a year, Workin’ Mom’s finally released their latest season of episodes which I binge-watched within twenty-four hours and boy, was it good watching. As usual, they’ve left the end of the season on a cliff-hanger and now I’m left wanting for more.
Being an eighties chick (god I sound so old!) I often like to reminisce back to my heyday by listening to music from that era. This month it’s been all about Annie Lennox and of course the Eurythmics. Annie’s got one heck of a set of pipes, there’s nothing quite like the sound of her voice, especially so in ‘There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart), as she truly does sound like an angel!
With our not so little man turning thirteen years of age this month, I was instructed to bake not one but two Delia Smith-style squidgy chocolate logs to ensure there was plenty of cake to feast upon on his big day. With my kitchen aid and hand whisk at the ready, I spent nearly three hours in the kitchen whisking, stirring, baking, spreading, and rolling various ingredients to create his much-loved, all-time favourite. Though it took us a couple of days to consume said cake, not a crumb was left.
Whilst we usually have hot weather throughout May, the sunshine has a been a little shy this year thus the temperatures aren’t quite what I’d hoped they would be. With it being a little cooler, I treated myself to a brand new pair of leopard print Bedroom Athletics slipper boots to keep my feet cosey and I’ve spent the past few weeks living in them.
And Lastly
As I mentioned above, our beautiful young man became a teenager this month and along with being spoilt rotten with gifts galore, we celebrated in style by taking both J & E to Blackpool Pleasure Beach for the day where they both rode numerous rides including their first rollercoaster! We were blessed with beautiful weather and the kids had a great day out making memories which I’m sure will last a lifetime.
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed this month’s #LittleLoves. If you fancy sharing some of your own #LittleLoves, then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what your #LittleLoves might be.

1 comment
I really need to watch Workin Moms! Heard some good things about it! The cake looks delicious!!