Just like that another week has flown by and once again I am sat, Macbook at the ready to reflect upon a few of my #LittleLoves from the past seven days.
Unless you’ve been living in a cave or spent the past few weeks comatose I’m fairly sure that just like me you too will have read endless news spiel regarding yesterdays general election.
I have never been massively into politics but I’m not daft and know full well just how important it is to put forward your vote no matter which political party that may be towards. Unlike past elections where I’ve found myself struggling to decide which way to fly I found voting very straight forward and simple yesterday as in my mind there was only one answer.
As expected we still remain guided by a Tory government and despite it being a ‘hung government’ I am actually pretty pleased with the outcome. ‘Treseme’ had her feathers ruffled and a significant amount of power removed from her hands, in my eyes that woman is a witch and whilst it’s unlikely that any political leader of any party would ever truly float my boat she really seems to get under my skin something chronic.
Here’s hoping that come next election we can push that bit harder and get the ‘reds’ back into power and hopefully help our country pull itself from the grand canyon sized hole it seemed to fall into thanks to the Tories.
After months of being told by several people how I should take the time to watch LaLaLand I finally did just that. It was a fairly lengthy film but it must have been good as it held my attention fairly late at night and although the ending wasn’t entirely to my taste I very much enjoyed listening to the soundtracks and following a storyline based upon the Arts.
Following the disgraceful tragedies which took place both in Manchester and London recently Ariana Grande organised and arranged an incredible concert to benefit those affected. ‘Manchester One Love‘ apparently had the highest viewing figures of any show aired on the BBC so far this year and rightly so, it was a heart warming gig which despite being based upon tragedy brought joy and happiness not only to those affected but to the rest of the UK who were also in mourning.
I barely knew anything of Ariana Grande until the recent bombings in Manchester and following viewing her efforts for the Manchester One Love concert this week I now have a massive respect for this young lady, what a fantastic job she did along with all those who performed, took part and assisted in the concert.
Following the completion of our garden makeover I have spent a few pennies on some bits and bobs to brighten up the back including a garden clock, multicoloured butterflies on sticks to place into planters and a couple of rainbow pin wheels which arrived unassembled earlier this week without instructions of any kind.
Having attempted to put together said pin wheels several times through sheer guesswork Paul and I were becoming a little frustrated by the lack of instructions. Eventually Paul figured out how exactly to put together said pin wheels and despite having assembled these beauties correctly they are still a little too stiff to spin but never the less they certainly look colourful and the kids seem to like them which pleases me.
I’m not entirely sure what happened to the summer, one moment it was here, the paddling pool was out, the beers were flowing, the sun tan lotion was being slapped on and we almost pulled out the BBQ. We were all ready for the summer, we’d even spent weeks putting together the perfect garden so of course the rain was bound to return along with gale force winds and even a few sleet showers for good measure.
Due to the bi-polar weather conditions I’ve found myself pulling out an old favourite, my body warmer. It’s too hot to wear a thick coat but far too cold to dare leave the house without an extra layer or two. Having lost a few pounds it doesn’t look so bad and paired with some jeggings and a striped top I almost look half decent!
And Lastly
E had a quick taste of whats to come in September as she joined her friends from Nursery for a taster day at her new Primary School. She was totally unbothered by the idea of being left and only seemed upset upon my return when I announced it was time to go home.
I’m relieved and of course happy that she enjoyed her time at school but somewhere deep down I’m a little bit heartbroken that my little lady will soon be out of the house for the majority of the day and that’s it… my kids have gone and grown up!
Obviously I know they aren’t ‘grown up grown up’ but they no longer really need me during the day time which means only one thing, it’s time to find that job I’ve so longed for and begin focusing upon career prospects not that there’s many opportunities around the area in which I live but I’ve got to find something especially given that my current bosses are planning their retirement, that and minimum wage isn’t ideal.
So yeh, E has been to school and come September she will be there full time and I will no longer be ‘a stay at home Mum’. How do I feel about that? I’m not entirely sure to be honest but it’s certainly time for a change.
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed this weeks #LittleLoves. If you fancy sharing some of your own #LittleLoves then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what your #LittleLoves might be.
I too hadn’t heard of Ariana, I know that I had heard one of her songs – you’re right she’s such a brave young woman. She did a great thing organising the concert. Yay for school taster days, so glad it went well. Long may it continue. Thanks for joining in with last week’s #littleloves
Thanks Kerri x