You know the phrase ‘it never rains but it pours’ well that pretty much sums up my week so far. It started on Monday morning when we received a the letter from HMRC regarding a monumental tax credits cock-up which will cost us £1.5k to rectify.
As you can imagine it wasn’t the best start to the week but we soldiered on regardless. The following evening whilst towelling the kids dry after their daily bath time E fell backwards from our bed smashing the back of her head through our bedroom wall…
Thankfully our little ‘Harvey Wallbanger’ was just fine and having spent the entire night worried sick, racing back and forth to her room to check upon her she woke bright as a button as if nothing had ever happened ready to crack on with the school day as per usual.
We now have our very own ‘hole in the wall’ yet unlike an ATM this hole in the wall doesn’t spit out cash upon request. With a little effort and time I’m sure it can be repaired but still, it was yet another thing that went wrong which we really, truly didn’t want nor need.
The dog is still keeping us up most nights with her incessant howling, she’s still on cortisone tablets and doesn’t seem to be in any pain as she’s happy as larry throughout the day. Having spoken to the vet earlier today we are beginning to wonder whether she may have had a small stroke, either way she’s got to ‘that age’ when sooner or later a decision will need to be made and my heart breaks even writing those words.
With everything that’s been going on I’ve found myself feeling quite under the weather and have sadly succumb to a couple of bugs which have been doing the rounds just in time for the family wedding this weekend, great timing right?
This weeks #LittleLoves have as you might have guessed been quite difficult to write. I’ve done my very best to ‘think positive’ and to see the best of a bad time but I’ll be honest I’m not really feeling it this week at all. So with a big stretch, a large intake of oxygen and a huge yawn here goes with this weeks #LittleLoves.
Following listening to advice from fellow blogger Donna (from What The Redhead Said) I have spent a fair amount of time transferring my blog subscriptions from email to BlogLovin. Donna was absolutely right, it’s far easier to keep track and to comment upon posts when it’s all in one feed. Not only that but my inbox is far easier to navigate now that I’m no longer wading through 200+ blog post alerts each day.
BlogLovin seems to be far easier to read and to respond to when browsing other blogs. I’m hoping with time I may also build my own following upon BlogLovin so please do add me if you’re a fellow BlogLovin blogger.
Earlier this week Paul and I went to watch the fantastic comedian Jason Manford. Jason seems such a lovely guy, he’s so down to earth and ‘normal’ that I often forget he’s a celebrity! I had the pleasure of meeting the man in the flesh following his performance and Paul took a few shots of us together as keep sakes.
Following seeing Tori Amos play live last week I have since found myself listening to her first and rather rare album ‘Y Kant Tori Read’. Whilst playing in Manchester she sang ‘Pirates’ a track from said album which according to hear say will be rereleased in the near future. Bring it on as I personally can not get enough of Tori’s early work!
In order to prevent further injuries prior to the big family wedding I kept J off from karate this week. To keep the kids entertained (and to provide us with sweet treats) we baked this years first batch of Mince Pies and whilst the pastry was plentiful we threw in a few jam tarts for good measure.
Given that I’ve spent the majority of the week feeling like shizz warmed up I’ve hardly felt like bothering to get dressed at all. For that reason I’ve spent most of my time wrapped up warm in my winter jim-jams paired with my stylish slipper boots for that “sod it, sick as a dog (that’s perhaps not the best turn of phrase to use right about now but hey ho) sleek style look”
What better to wear than pyjamas when you feel like sin? They are the ‘at the ready get to beddy’ fashion must have!
And Lastly
Despite the endless shower of crap which we seem to be being hit with at present there have been a few moments throughout the week when things don’t seem all that bad. We’ve actually spent time together as a family baking, dancing, reading, drawing and snuggled whilst convalescing on the couch.
It’s definitely been one of those weeks when ‘less is more’ and right now I’m not sure whether I could take anymore!
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed this weeks #LittleLoves. If you fancy sharing some of your own #LittleLoves then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what your #LittleLoves might be.
Ah what a week for you Rachel. I can’t believe E actually made a hole in your bedroom wall. Sorry to hear about your dog too, and I saw all the trauma about your overpayments with the child tax. They cocked ours up too and we overpaid them 5k. Been paying it for years now and we don’t stop paying them till 2021. Followed you on bloglovin #littleloves x
Thanks so much Tracey x
We spent three hours caught up in a crash on the M6 yesterday too. It’s never bloody ending lol