Welcome to a brand new year of #LittleLoves, a monthly linky series celebrating the positive points in life including a brand new section ‘My top three moments from the month gone by’. You are more than welcome to tag along and join in either by writing and sharing your own blog posts (that you can add to the linky party at the bottom of the page) or simply by commenting below. Without further ado, here are my #LittleLoves from January 2025.
I’ve certainly utilised my Kindle Unlimited membership this month and have somehow managed to wade my way through four books over the past four weeks, three of which I thoroughly enjoyed and couldn’t recommend enough to romance readers. Laurie Gilmore’s ‘The Pumpkin Spice Cafe’, ‘The Cinnamon Bun Book Store’, and ‘The Christmas Tree Farm’ not only had stunning covers but the stories kept me entertained from start to finish.
This winter has been exceptional in terms of television and whilst all the Christmas specials are now long gone, we’ve continued to enjoy a fair amount of television whilst staying safe and snug during the recent storms. Michael McIntryre’s Big Show is back along with a brand new series of Gladiators making for some super Saturday night television. J and I have been catching him up on some classic comedy by watching each and every episode of Benidorm whilst Paul and I have enjoyed watching season one of The White Lotus, or switching to ‘8 Out of 10 Cats‘ for lighter watching when we feel less inclined to concentrate.
Following her recent release of the ‘Diving Deep Live’ album back in December 2024, Tori Amos has been featued on various TV and Radio shows including Vernon Kay’s ‘Tracks Of My Years‘ over on BBC Radio 2. Being the avid fan that I am, I of course had to download the episode and listen to Tori’s tracks of her lifetime and whilst it wasn’t all my cup of tea, it was an enjoyable show overall.
Though I loved working from home, I decided to start looking for alternative roles towards the end of 2024 and have therefore spent the majority of January refreshing and updating my CV whilst making various applications around the local area. I’ve also looked into various courses and areas of study that I quite fancy looking into for the future. I may be in my forties but my life is far from finished. I’ve decided it’s time for a new journey and with that, a whole new career plan.
Given that the UK has spent two months being battered by seasonal storms, I’ve opted to stick to my jeans, jumpers, and trusty slipper boots. It’s been all about the cosy and somewhat stretchy clothes of late following what was a rather glutonous festive period. Though most people vow to hit the gym in January, I’ve decided to keep things real and to just lay off the lard a little… with that being said it is now the weekend and I have reason to celebrate thus I can’t promise to jump onto any strict diet regimes just yet.
My Top Three Moments From The Month Gone By
- Whilst I fully intended to kick off January with a positive start, I will admit that it’s not been quite as easy as I’d hoped and I’ve found myself feeling somewhat defeated at times over the past thirty-odd days. Still, I’ve battled those January blues and have made some exciting plans for the next few months ahead starting with a trip to Amsterdam for Paul and I where we will celebrate twenty years together. This will be the first time that Paul and I have travelled abroad ‘just the two of us’ since having the kids (unless you count a cheeky overnighter in Scotland) so we’re looking forward to a few nights in the Netherlands and the opportunity to let our hair down a little.
- Having brought the New Year in with a bang, we then hosted New Years dinner for my in-laws and enjoyed a couple of games of Scrabble before snuggling up to watch the last of the festive television. It felt really nice to keep things calm and to leave the decorations up for a few more days. We certainly made the most of our new fairy lights and why the heck not, once all the decorations are down it’s all dark and dismal for the remainder of the month!
- It’s not often that we go for meals or sit in cafes yet that’s precisely where we found ourselves simply to warm up following a fa-fa-frosty weekly shop. Christmas may be over but Costa still had mince pies and not only were they dusted in icing sugar but they were also served piping hot which made for a rather spectacular post-shop sweet-treat. Sometimes it’s the little things which can really make the biggest difference to a day.
Thanks for reading my #LittleLoves post, I look forward to reading your comments and attached posts – don’t forget to link up below!

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1 comment
I do think the little things can make the biggest impact to the day. Lovely observation. And I loved White Lotus. We’re all waiting for the new season. When I saw Tiesto, he played the theme song and the whole crowd went nuts. It was so funny….#LittleLoves
Good luck on the job front – hopefully something interesting pops up. And enjoy Amsterdam. How fab!