Friday is yet again upon us and despite being child free Paul and I have opted to stay indoors and to relax rather than venturing out into the cold spending cash on booze which we already have chilled in our fridge.
We could be out drinking, dancing and doing what we usually do on a ‘night off’ but I just wasn’t feeling it, whether it’s a waste of a night I’m not sure but I’m just in the mood for being social at present.
That said, I am more than willing to share my #LittleLoves from the past seven days and will endeavour to do so whilst blasting out some tunes and knocking back a Baileys or two.
Earlier this week Paul and I went along to E’s first parents evening where we were told many things about our daughter most of which we already knew but it was great to have a look through her ‘Learning Journey’ and to read all about what she has done so far during her first term at School.
Being a creature of habit I tend to watch the same programs week in and week out. Every now and then though I will venture away from the soaps and find something new to view, this week I found myself watching the first episode of ‘Man Down‘, a well-known Channel 4 sit-com featuring Greg Davies.
Last Christmas Paul very kindly bought me a couple of James Arthur CD’s one of which has made its way into my car and has kept me company throughout my journeys to and from work over the past week. One track which seems to stick out from the rest and has become my personal present favourite is ‘New Tattoo’. This track has an incredibly funky beat and along with James’s gravelly tones its ideal to listen to whilst blowing off some steam during drive times.
I’ve continued to work upon the photos which will feature within this years family calendars. Thankfully I have been sent some rather smart software to review which has made my job one hundred times easier. I will be reviewing ‘ImageFramer‘ shortly upon this here blog, without it I am certain that the calendar would take far longer to complete.
The winter weather has arrived, the fluffy tote socks are back in action as are the fluffy jim jams and now my fluffy coat has joined the winter parade for its annual airing. Known as my ‘bear jacket’ thanks to its beautiful, fluffy ears which are sewn onto the hood, this is one of my favourite coats to wrap up warm in.
This isn’t me in the image by the way, I’d kill for a figure like that but it is the jacket which I spend most of my time wearing during the winter months.
And Lastly
Last weekend I was very kindly invited along to a lunch-time date with Viv and Vicky as it was my good friend Viv’s birthday. We enjoyed a delicious two course meal and a couple of bevvies at the local Bistro Bar, it was a lovely afternoon and we had great fun which I am sure we will repeat in the near future.
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed this weeks #LittleLoves. If you fancy sharing some of your own #LittleLoves then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what your #LittleLoves might be.
Sometimes, it’s good to have a night off to do absolutely nothing! I’d say it was an evening well spent. First parents’ evening, how lovely! Good to hear they told you what you already knew, shows that the school knows your daughter well. Here’s to another lovely week!
Thanks Donna xxx
Ooh that jacket is just brilliant and the hood … I have a lovely fluffy fleece and I’m sure I get lots more hugs when I’m wearing, its nice to cuddle up! Looking forward to reading your review of the software, its looking very professional from the photo you posted and what a lovely idea. Have a happy week.
Thanks xxx
An actual bear jacket! I love it! James Arthur is a massive favourite of mine, his voice is just amazing – he keeps me company on many a car journey too! Have a great week!
Thanks xxxx