Christmas has finally arrived, the kids are home for the school holidays and Paul and I are just about ready for the big day. As you can imagine with having two kids, work and Christmas just around the corner it’s been a busy week.
I’ve yet to work one final shift behind the bar before I can officially relax and enjoy Christmas. Until then I’m ploughing on as usual whilst trying to entertain two over excited children, that and care for a rather smelly and senile dog, it’s all fun and games in our house this week!
Despite being busy beyond belief I’ve certainly enjoyed the past seven days and for that reason writing this weeks edition of #LittleLoves seems almost too easy.
Earlier this week I emptied our children’s sling shelf of books, refilling the shelves with seasonal stories ideal for sharing over the Christmas holidays. We’ve since spent time reading a range of Christmas classics before bedtimes including ‘The Snowman’, ‘The Stickman’ and my childhood favourite ‘Santa Claus Has A Busy Night‘.
We’ve watched no end of movies throughout the week, my son however somehow managed to twist Paul’s arm into letting him watch the final few Harry Potter movies. Although I felt these films were a little too ‘dark’ for J to be watching at such a young age, I myself was watching pretty gruesome horror films by the time I was his age and considering it did me no harm we decided to allow ‘Potter with parental guidance’.
J absoloutly loved each and every one of the films, he didn’t seem in the slightest bit scared whatsoever, keeping E entertained during this time however was another story…
Having scoured the CD cupboard for something to throw into the car whilst on my way to work I came across an old Sheryl Crow album which I haven’t listened to in years. ‘Tuesday Night Music Club’ features a range of well-known hits including ‘All I Wanna Do’ (is have some fun), ‘Strong Enough’ and ‘Can’t Cry Anymore’ all of which have made divine driving Music as the album seemed to suit my mood down to a tee.
I’ve been meaning to get back into ‘Vlogging’ for some time now and earlier this week I made the effort and began producing videos which I have started uploading to YouTube. There are a range of videos of the kids which I recorded over the past year which I am yet to put together, once these are complete I will then upload them to my channel along with a range of Vlogs as I put my ‘YouTube’ pants back on.
Having lost almost three stone in weight over the past six months or so I am finally able to fit my behind into a pair of size twelve petite jeans. I’ve had said jeans in my drawer for over three months now and have been desperately trying to squeeze into them ever since they arrived which up until two days ago was possible but wasn’t entirely practical as I couldn’t button nor zip said jeans up.
I’m not sure why I decided to give these jeans a go so close to Christmas but low and behold despite the fatty, festive foods I’ve been pigging upon I finally managed to get into my size twelve hipster bootlegs! They weren’t completely comfortable but after an hour or so the denim must have stretched as I was good to go.
And Lastly
After using an oversized, rather chunky yoga mat which I can only compare to a spring board for the past month I finally replaced said mat with a suitably sized, proper pink yoga mat and hell what a difference it made in class this week! I was actually able to maintain balance and grip throughout the session which felt fantastic. All I need now is a bag for my yoga mat, that and a new hoodie then I’m all set!
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed this weeks #LittleLoves. Thank you for taking the time to read my posts throughout the past year, I hope that you are your family have a fantastic Christmas and a wonderful new year.
If you fancy sharing some of your own #LittleLoves then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what your #LittleLoves might be.
1 comment
Oh I loved that Sheryl Crow album, what a classic!
Hope you had a lovely Christmas day x