September has been none-stop, there has barely been a second for us to suspend service and to sit down. My body is desperate for a much-needed rest but up until now I simply haven’t had the chance to allow myself the luxury of lazing about. I’m well aware that I’m far from the only female rushing around like a headless chicken at this time of the year, so without further whining or waffle, here are a few of the things which I have ‘liked and loved’ throughout the past month.
Back To School
The kids and I started back at school following what was a super summer holiday. They settled almost immediately into their new classes with their new teachers and I couldn’t be happier with their progress. I would like to say that the past four weeks have whizzed by but that’s not the case as I’m utterly exhausted and feel as if the days are dragging, the truth is simply that I am really in need of some rest.
Autumn Has Arrived
As you may be aware if you’ve read my past posts, autumn is my favourite season of the year. Autumn has most certainly arrived; the trees are shedding their leaves, the temperature has dropped, the evenings are drawing in earlier each night and there the faint smell of chimney smoke wafting in the outside air.
The kids recently spent time at their Grandparents pumpkin patch, this highlighted how close we are to Halloween and spurred me into looking into costumes, decorations and all kinds of spectacular, spooky stuff in preparation for All Hallows Eve.
We Finally Have French Doors
After months and months of waiting, we have finally had the new french doors installed in the dining room. It’s such a relief to get rid of what we previously had as I was forever worrying that the children would slam their fingers in the sliding doors or worse, lose a finger.
Happy and Healthy
Following a recent operation I’ve spent time awaiting results. Thankfully these results arrived and as of yet everything looks to be pretty a-ok. I’m yet to return for further tests and enquiries but otherwise I’m feeling pretty confident that the outlook is good.
Clearing, Cleaning & Getting Organised
This month I’ve spent a fair amount of time clearing clutter, cleaning the house and getting things organised. I’ve also spent time clearing and sorting through my hard drive, making copies of all the photos which I have taken over the past ten years or so and organising almost everything into month by month, year by year folders. This took me some time but was well worth the effort as I now have an up-to-date record of the family photos.
Nights Out & Time Away With Friends
Paul and I have enjoyed the luxury of a couple of child-free evenings, we spent these out and about with friends either at the bar or on the dance floor. This weekend we have also spent a night with friends in Blackpool!
Friends – The Box Set
Whilst I’m well aware that Friends (the TV show) came out over two decades ago, up until now I can honestly say that I hadn’t watched it! I may have caught the odd episode whilst visiting family or friends but I’d never paid much attention to american comedy and therefore had missed out on what I now realise was a comedy classic.
As Paul and I now have Netflix, we have spent the past month or two binge-watching Friends and I am hopelessly hooked. J has chosen to join me in watching this cult classic, he too finds Friends utterly hilarious and we are now watching in the midst of watching the final season.
Super Soft Slippers
Maisy, our beautiful basset hound seems to have a bit of a foot fetish. So far Maisy has eaten three pairs of slippers one of which happened to be mine. I have since replaced said slippers with brand, spanking new soft, furry slippers which I adore. They may have cost me almost thirty quid but ‘Bedroom Athletics’ are worth every penny – my feet are snug, warm and feel as if they are floating on clouds!
My Bling Is Back
Having collected almost seven years worth of charms for my gold and white gold charm bracelet, I finally had the bracelets (and charms) sent away for soldering. The bracelets arrived back earlier this month and they look amazing! Each bracelet now has a safety catch so that I am able to wear these out and about without the worry of losing them should they fall off and I’m loving wearing my beautiful bling.
Hopes For High School
Over the past few weeks, J and I have spent time looking around a couple of schools in preparation for J’s application to high school. He took us all by surprise and selected the school which I attended as a chid; a school which is far smaller and further away. However, if J is happy then we are happy and I am rather excited to think of our my little man following in my footsteps.
Thanks again for reading my blog and I hope that you enjoyed reading what I #LikedAndLoved in September.
If you fancy sharing some of your own #LikedAndLoved points from the month then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what you #LikedAndLoved this month!
1 comment
I have loved Friends for sooo many years, I binge watched the DVDs when I was on maternity leave with my now 14 year old and I still watch it now ha, such an ace series. I love autumn too, such a gorgeous time of the year and it means it’s almost time for all the fireworks displays!
Thanks for linking up with #LikedandLoved again 🙂
Stevie x