Though I usually love the autumn months, this year has been an exception to the rule for numerous reasons. Whilst October usually whizzes by in the blink of an eye, this year the days seem to have dragged by and in all fairness, I can’t say it’s been that much fun at all, though I’m hoping the kids feel otherwise as we’ve done our best to be all smiles for their sakes.
Despite the dreary, wet, and rather miserable weather we’ve done our best to keep the kids entertained and enthusiastic throughout the month, here are a few of the things that we have #LikedandLoved throughout the month.
Beautiful and Brave
After experiencing a rather scary and stressful attempt at having her blood drawn at the local GP, E was referred to the local children’s ward where we successfully managed to have her blood taken and tested. The pediatric staff members were amazing and E made us all very proud by being beautifully brave.
Two Times For Tori
Though I’ve watched Tori Amos play live many times throughout the years, I’ve only ever seen her play once during each tour, this tour is the exception as further UK tickets were recently released and we were lucky enough to get into the presale where we acquired two tickets to see Tori play live in Edinburgh next spring.
Half Term Holidays
We’ve spent the past week rejuvenating, recuperating, and relaxing where and when possible as we’ve had the luxury of a half-term holiday. Whilst I had originally planned on spending a few days out with the kids, we altered our plans due to wet and windy weather, exchanging outings to the likes of Ninja Warrior courses and trips to haunted castles for the likes of family films, making and baking, board games, crafting, and a trip out to the local swimming baths,
Not only did it save us a few pennies but it was probably the best decision as I contracted quite a nasty infection midweek and thus spent most of the week enduring an intensive course of antibiotics to overcome the issues.
Halloween Films & Festivities
Halloween is no longer just one day of frivolities, certainly not in this household as we seem to celebrate for at least a fortnight prior to the event. We’ve spent the past week watching a range of spooky movies and shows including Disney’s recently released ‘Hocus Pocus 2‘, along with the likes of Coraline, The Curse of Bridge Hollow, The Addams Family, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and BBC’s latest series of Ghosts.
Freaky Fashion
The kids are ready to rock and roll Halloween with their latest freaky fashion items including devil horns, tridents, multi-coloured sunshades, and red feathered angel wings… it’s certainly an interesting combination but I’m sure with plenty of facepaint and a smattering of hair chalk they will look awesome!
Decorating for Halloween
E couldn’t wait to decorate for Halloween this year thus our living room has looked much like a funeral parlour for the past week or so. We’ve got skeletons, pumpkins, ghosts, witches, crime scene tape, LED orange lights, and all sorts of spooky accessories placed here, there, and everywhere.
Fun With Food
Nothing says ‘autumn‘ quite like a toffee apple, or in E’s case – chocolate-dipped fruit. E’s rather enjoyed making her very own autumn apples (on sticks) which she has brought home most days from her Nana and Grandads. They may well be tasty treats but they ain’t half messy to manage (especially when driving home in a car!). It’s got me thinking though – if E is happy to eat fruit covered in chocolate, I wonder if I could disguise veg in the same means? She’d best watch out for those chocolate-smothered sprouts come December!
Pumpkin Carving
After choosing and collecting their desired pumpkins from their Grandparent’s farm, the kids then spent a fair few hours designing, cutting, gutting, and carving their pumpkins into various designs. It was a lot of fun but a whole heap of mess!
Dazzling Dressers
Paul and I have been after buying a new dressing table to replace our teeny, tiny, dresser for almost a year now. Having scoured Facebook Marketplace on a daily basis I finally spotted a deal which Paul then went to collect. We’ve since put together and placed our new dresser in our bedroom and it’s huge! Not only does it have masses of storage but it’s sturdy and stylish, and though it’s a little ‘seventies’ in style, once we replace the drawer knobs I’m confident that it’ll look like new! E was delighted to then inherit our previous dresser with a Hollywood-style lit mirror and a dinky little stool (fit for a princess) which after a move around now fits beautifully in her bedroom.
Viking Victories
E is currently learning about the Vikings at school and has been asked to design, build, and decorate her own Viking ship as part of her homework. We spent this week cutting, shaping, gluing, varnishing, and decorating said ship which has turned out to be a Viking Victory!
Thanks again for reading my blog – I hope that you enjoyed reading what I have #LikedandLoved throughout October.
If you fancy sharing some of your own #LikedAndLoved points from the month then why not join in either through your own blog post or by leaving a comment below, I would love to hear what you #LikedAndLoved this month!